I think even more so than people not understanding games like MU* are by definition social since they involve group activities the problem is players don't want to understand not everyone plays the same game the same way.
I don't think that can be underestimated as a factor. Sometimes we're stuck in groupthink mode and it's a tough as hell issue to distance yourself from. I try to keep things in perspective - when HR for instance protested that my peeve about that 'Life Two' thing was unreasonable I did my best to take a step back. Was I just being an asshole? (I decided otherwise but who knows, I'm biased).
The same way... look at threads right here on MSB. Someone makes the implicit assumption that if you care about your stats you're not there to play a character. You yourself like social dice in certain situations where others frown on the practice. Some people play mostly relationships and TS scenes while for others TS itself is wrong.
We still find a way to detest each other's playstyle, consciously or otherwise, and look at our own preferences as what ought to the universal standard.
And that's over the same game. The same rules and mechanics taken from the same source material. Now take into account all those other MU* with different goals, themes, rules...