@Ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Act I, Scene I
Patient: Oh! You have twins?
Partner: Yes. (shows pictures)
Patient: (stares at pictures for a few seconds)
Partner: They are bi-racial.
Patient: Oh.
Partner: My partner is Chinese.
Patient: Chinese?
Partner: Yes.
Patient: (pause) Are you taking any special precautions?
Partner: What do you mean?
Patient: I mean, you could just move out for a while so that they can be together and not have to worry about getting sick.
(End scene as Partner chokes Patient with stethoscope.)
Act I, Scene II
Partner: So, let me get the test results —
Patient 1: What do you think of the coronavirus?
Partner: Well, I think it is something we should all be aware of and take steps to —
Patient 2: You know, I don’t know what the deal is.
Patient 1: Yes, I agree.
Patient 2: I mean, if it’s from China, we should just round them up and put them in internment camps.
Partner: (stunned silence) I’m sorry, internment camps?
Patient 2: Yup.
Partner: Like what we did to the Japanese in World War 2?
Patient 2: Mm-hmm.
Partner: That is the most racist thing I have ever heard.
Patient 1: Really?
Patient 2: Well, if it works —
(End scene as Partner shoots both patients in the face.)
Aside from the endings, these events actually happened to my partner over the past three work days.
Sadly, today alone i have talked to two doctor offices that are actively refusing to provide services to Asian Patients, by saying there are no open appointments, simply due to the fact that their other patients are uncomfortable with them being in the office at the same time.
I swear... Situations like these, bring the stupid out in people in gloriously horrible ways.