Jun 4, 2020, 2:27 AM

@Sunny said in General Video Game Thread:

I just saw somebody named Chicken Nugget in an mmo I play. It brings me such joy, and I'm not sure why.

I have genuinely lost track of the number of lalafell I've encountered in FFXIV who are named some variation on "Chicken Nugget", "Chicken Mcnugget", "Chicken Nuggetz", "Chicken Mc'Nugget" and so on.

Though they were all trumped for memorability by the giant Roegadyn tank who was dressed like a chocobo, with the name "Kwehstopher Warken". (As explanation: chocobos—the giant usually-but-not-always flightless chicken-like birds used in place of horses throughout the many incarnations of the Final Fantasy franchise—canonically make the noises "kweh" and "wark".)

The most infamous clever name in the datacenter I play in, though, is "Viewing Cutscene". (When you are in a cutscene in a shared instance, your name in the party list is replaced by "Viewing Cutscene", so...)