My comment was geared toward her says 'Anitaverse FAE' Which, goes balls deep from book 1.
@Coin said:
This doesn't take away from it being something not everyone can grasp, or even likes.
Thank you, Captain Obvious. If you don't get Aspects, you can't get Fate.
@Thenomain said:
@Coin said:
This doesn't take away from it being something not everyone can grasp, or even likes.
Thank you, Captain Obvious. If you don't get Aspects, you can't get Fate.
You're welcome, General Jerkfas.
The other thing that tends to polarize people is that it really encourages cooperative storytelling. And some ST's don't like letting go I have found.
Well, there will be an anitaverse FAE game sometime soon. However I am not sure if that counts as nonwod.
@Cobaltasaurus said:
Well, there will be an anitaverse FAE game sometime soon. However I am not sure if that counts as nonwod.
But.. oh god... those books.
@Wretched said:
@Cobaltasaurus said:
Well, there will be an anitaverse FAE game sometime soon. However I am not sure if that counts as nonwod.
But.. oh god... those books.
The first few are good. I... I was told.
I haven't read anything in the anitaverse. The reactions make me wary.
Basically it's like the kind of people on a MUSH that a lot of us make fun of.
And vaginas that give people you screw super powers.
Isn't that Shang?
I can't decide whether to fuck a vampire, feral, or werewolf--awww hell, let's do all three! Or several of each kind! All at once! Because I have a flaw/merit that compels me, it's all in the name of story!
That being said, as long as you know what you're in store for, I actually found the books to be really funny, both intentionally and not--but they were suggested to me when I was in my MUSHing hiatus as a way to feel like was on an OOC channel/room/gossip circle of a game without actually needing to go through the trouble of making a bit.
@Usekh said:
The other thing that tends to polarize people is that it really encourages cooperative storytelling. And some ST's don't like letting go I have found.
What I love about this is that I can run scenes where I never have to type a ST pose. I add aspects to people, and they just run with it. It entirely changes the dynamic of the scene. I love my players though - they just have great ideas.
The first three books are very reasonable, non-overly-eroticised old urban fantasy. Old here meaning: more like the hardboiled detective genre, police procedural details, etc; and ... * drumroll * Payphones. Yes, it's that old.
The next books after that deal with the whole Richard (werewolf guy) situation with respect to pack politics and how that affects pack, other shifter communities (like the "pard" of leopards) and how it fits in with Jean Claude and the vampires of the city. Lots of foolish angst and denial.
Bearing with that, out through Obsidian Butterfly are a fairly reasonably well-done urban fantasy series. OB in particular does a very nice job of showing (with respect to the chain of books from the beginning of the series) a long, smooth transition in Anita as she looses her humanity and becomes something much darker. It's a bit grim, but I respect what she did to the character and how she got there. Fair warning: it is quite a bit more brutally violent than prior things, especially focusing on Anita as a person willing to torture and coldly murder in order to get her way.
After that comes Narcissus in Chains, which is rather awful and contains the "deus sex machina" (heh) that others have alluded to. This and the next batch of books are more reminiscent of her Merry Gentry books, which were more straightforwardly billed as erotica rather than urban fantasy. It's a striking contrast from the earlier books in the series, and rather disappointing.
The last few books have been a bit better, though a significant number of chapters are spent on the stupid sex-drama of a number of characters that should have been forgotten ages ago. (Richard, Asher, etc). As of the last full-length novels, she seems to be trying to drag the story back to the police-procedural type stuff she started with, and has been emphasizing the aspect of Anita-as-a-federal-marshall.
The short novella released a month or two ago... well. The author is trying to broaden Anita's horizons by playing for both teams. I'm still not quire sure what to think, but have to agree with Anita's assessment that a lot of the people around her are whiny bitches. If that continues into the next book with actually telling some of these clowns to fuck-off-or-die (or just killing them), then the series might improve.
It is one of the more classic examples of a 'broken masquerade' setting, but is a rather grim and ugly thing, and does not give a very good representation of the BDSM community either. Think: supernaturals are as horny as d'Angelines of Carey's Kushiel books, but the writing lacks all of the delicate class that Carey used.
And in all that I forgot to mention why we do enjoy reading and playing in the anitaverse:
- Worldbuilding.
She makes a very good, interesting setting. Lots of quirks, but very interesting with lots of gnarly edges to hold on to.
@Chime said:
And in all that I forgot to mention why we do enjoy reading and playing in the anitaverse:
- Worldbuilding.
She makes a very good, interesting setting. Lots of quirks, but very interesting with lots of gnarly edges to hold on to.
She does. If you remove her Mary Sue characters and Self Insert characters, and just look at the world, I stopped reading anything but sporks in truth.
I like the world...
My comment was geared toward her says 'Anitaverse FAE' Which, goes balls deep from book 1.
Oh. Noooooo.
Not her Merry Gentry books. But Anitaverse using Fate Accelerated Edition (FAE).
I am currently thinking that we will be using the first three books as official canon. The game won't be sex based where staff is considered but I give no shits if you're fucking behind closed doors. Seriously.
One of the game rules will be:
- I don't care, neither should you. (Unless it's impacting your fun, leave it alone.)
ETA: I have a first plot arc planned out. For some soft open stuff, and then a main event when we have enough activity. People will be allowed and encouraged to run their own plots, and given some tools to do so.
OOH. In that case, your last Anitaverse game was pretty darn spiffy. Until you snuck off and it imploded.
The last Anita Blake game I was on (there were two, I played both but they muddle in my mind) I had October as a Vampire, I brought her over with someone else from the dying MedNights.
This was back in my heavy TS days and it was too much TS. Like, there was less TS on Shang I swear. In my mind Anita Blake mushes are Shang with a theme.
It got boring.
I would totally like to see something other than that though.