Jul 23, 2020, 9:23 PM

There's a couple of lesbians at work. At least a dozen, to hear the way people talk. I've been hearing about them a lot lately. To listen to the rumors, they form an elaborate hierarchy within the building based on their sexual availability to one another; you know, "Oh, X comes in hours late for every shift but no one can do anything about it because she's fucking the boss, which makes Y jealous because Y is fucking Z but Z is fucking all three of them..." Trying to keep track of it reminds me of the time I was friends with a guy who kept trying to explain wrestling to me, except instead of belts and championships and betrayals involving folding chairs, every event and every grievance is about fucking.

I'm not gay. Not really. I tell people I am because it's simpler than explaining I'm homoromantic but as some unclear point on the asexuality spectrum and that I privately question whether I'm actually on the asexuality spectrum at all or just have a low libido combined with emotional issues that make it difficult for me to trust people enough to want to fuck them, but properly speaking, I'm not a lesbian. Nevertheless, I hate how much of the gossip at the office is about how the gay women secretly hold an inordinate amount of power, like some kind of conspiracy, and are using their sexual wiles to prey on all the innocent women because that's just how lesbians are, constantly fucking and trying to fuck every woman who comes into their field of view. Because everyone knows, if you're attracted to women as a category, then you're not only attracted to all women without regard for who they are or how compatible they are with you, you're also so ravenously horny that you define your personal life and your career trajectory around how well you eat pussy.

I'm just tired. I'm going to go rewatch She-Ra now.