The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@Wretched Wait... that's not a thing everyone does? :shiftyeyes:
@Wretched said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
You know what I don't understand? People who make food from what they have in the house rather than going shopping with a specific plan to make a specific thing. I occasionally hear someone say, "Well, the celery in the fridge is about to go, I better make something of it," and I'm just like... what? How do you just make something out of it?
@GreenFlashlight said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
You know what I don't understand? People who make food from what they have in the house rather than going shopping with a specific plan to make a specific thing. I occasionally hear someone say, "Well, the celery in the fridge is about to go, I better make something of it," and I'm just like... what? How do you just make something out of it?
Google the ingredients you have. Pick the first/highest-reviewed thing that pops up. Cook it.
This site is also useful:
@GreenFlashlight I have a friend who does this. The ideas she gets for using up shit in her fridge blows my mind.
@insomniac7809 said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
Google the ingredients you have. Pick the first/highest-reviewed thing that pops up. Cook it.
Chopped is a constant source of inspiration for me. Today, I used some vegetables from a tray -- carrot sticks, celery sticks, pepper sticks, grape tomatoes -- and diced them with some onions to make a nice ragout, with some old chili. Added some garlic powder, Tony Chatchere's creole seasoning, salt, and pepper. Tossed in some Papa John's garlic dipping sauce and some olive oil for the base.
I do both. I have a plan for five or six meals throughout the week but keep certain things in stock so I can just wing something from time to time. "Oh, yeah, I got a can of salmon. I haven't made salmon cakes in like 6 months. Dinner solved."
I had the most amazing thing happen. I went to my friend's house yesterday, because he wanted to help me with my car. I get there, and another friend of his is already there. Super chill, he pitches in (They're both mechanic/former mechanic), and we're just hanging out.
Then comes another friend. And another. All of them that I don't know. So there's six guys and me, all hanging out in the garage. They totally fix my problem, and take my car off the lift, and then they bring a buddy's car in. I'm just hanging out, A few hours just chilling out. It was great. NO SOCIAL ANXIETY. And I didn't even get home and freak out and beat myself up over something 'dumb' I said. Best time I've had in ages.
@faraday said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
@Auspice said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
I have twice now -- twice -- gone on the first leg of a trip with a pocket knife
I stopped carrying my little leatherman tool (with a completely-incidental-to-why-I-liked-it pocket knife) in my purse after the 9/11 security stuff because I just KNEW that I would forget about it and accidentally walk through security somewhere with it.
Very, very belatedly...
I've got a much-loved pocketknife/multitool which lives in the messenger bag I take to work. I have carried it onto a plane for work trips more times than I can count. Many times no one finds it or comments on it (yay, security theater), but I have had to mail it home from the airport on five occasions.
@Auspice said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
I have chewing tendencies. I know this is an autism spectrum / ADHD thing.
Wait. You're telling me my habit of chewing on my own lip if I don't have something to chew on is part of my ADHD?
The fuck.
Adult diagnosis of ADHD continues to be an adventure in "Oh, that's not just me being weird?"