I didn't see that that way at all, though I was a little confused and annoyed by the end of that episode.
That said, maybe go back and edit and put that under a spoiler tag, please.
I can't praise She-Ra enough. I'm going to get a tattoo of the failsafe because I'm that basic bitch but I don't care, I stan She-Ra.
So many things to mention! I get the biggest kick out of The Female from The Boys being the voice actor of Glimmer from She-Ra. This delights me so much.
She-Ra is freaking amazing.
What is REALLY baking my noodle at the moment though, is Lovecraft Country. Holeeeee shiiiiiit y'all. From the appalling horror that was/is the reality of being black in the United States to the WTF horror that randomly appears. It is great. Great in the way that it leaves you horrified on multiple levels.
@GreenFlashlight I got real confused for a second thinking you were talking about She-Ra.
@Roz Sorry but also ha ha!
@GreenFlashlight I've only seen the first two episodes thus far. The only penis I've seen was a literal snake. Not a snake's penis, but rather a dude that had a snake for a tallywhacker. Soooo. I'm not sure if that was the thing, but contextually I doubt it. When I get to the latest episode, I will be super disappointed if it goes that route, especially considering the tenor of things overall. We'll see!
I didn't see that that way at all, though I was a little confused and annoyed by the end of that episode.
That said, maybe go back and edit and put that under a spoiler tag, please.
***Lovecraft Country Ep 4 Stuff***
Still not sure how I feel about the show though.
@Wizz Again, can we spoiler tag these things please?
You've seen it, I've seen it, not everyone has seen it.
The mobile version of the site doesn't have spoiler tags, sorry. I'll try to fiddle with it.
ETA: Thar we go.
So, the Boys are back (the boys are back the boys are back and...)
Really liking the way they changed up Stormfront from the books, the way they handled the fallout from the S1 end... a lot of it very real even when it's an invulnerable man in primary colors.
Kinda wonder if they're gonna do more with The Deep than watch his off-the-rails spiraling irrelevance to everyone else's storylines. Like, I'm enjoying his plotline so far, but while everyone else has a whole interrelation of plot and character elements, he's just doing his own thing in Sandusky, Ohio. (But I presume they are building up to something.)
Still as relentlessly dark and gory as ever, but like with S1, they're restrained with their excesses in a way Ennis never was, which lets the commentary and emotional impacts hit the mark much more directly.
...also oh my god the fucking diaper babies in the Amazon reviews giving it a 1-star for doing half the show in weekly releases instead of a bingable dump.
@insomniac7809 said in Good TV:
...also oh my god the fucking diaper babies in the Amazon reviews giving it a 1-star for doing half the show in weekly releases instead of a bingable dump.
While I wouldn't review bomb it, I was very annoyed by this decision, myself.
Speaking of diaper babies, I think the weird cringe-horror surrounding copious amounts of milk is, inexplicably, my favourite part of the show.
I binge-watched the first season with someone and every time a scene crops up involving that I start cracking up laughing while yelling, 'WHAT! WHAT THE FUCK?'
I just finished my rewatch of James Roland's Blood Drive.
Such a good show canceled before its time. ;_;
Ah, shit.