Unfortunately, the more I dug into M&M 3E the more I realized I really don't care for it. I thought about switching systems to something like Wild Talents or even just a simple traits based system but then it sort of just sat there and I've not done much with it since.
M&M 3E Setting Poll
So it seems people would like to play an OC hero game. They'd like to use M&M 3E. Now, where would you like to play?
Depends on which setting I'd be required to buy books to understand.
@GreenFlashlight I kind of agree. The less books I need the more likely I'd enjoy the game without feeling like I may be missing huge swathes of book lore. Maybe something that has a lot of original history or teams we can delve into rather than pre-established ones?
Maybe consider using the setting for maps and flavor etc, but eliminate the published canon of super activities and make a custom one.
@Misadventure I think that's the best option as well.
Less easy, but often part of newer game designs: allow a few rounds of player suggestions and voting to create a history for the setting.
You might get a cool aspect to the setting that way.
- 3 months later
Any, any word on this?
I really would love to see an OC hero game again... I've missed them.
Unfortunately, the more I dug into M&M 3E the more I realized I really don't care for it. I thought about switching systems to something like Wild Talents or even just a simple traits based system but then it sort of just sat there and I've not done much with it since.
This is a pity- I think that an OC-driven game would be a good solution for the Queen Beeing and the clique-gatekeeping that you see on an IP-based game, at least in the superhero sphere.
With Aberrant out I may revisit it. A setting that crosses Love and Monsters with The Boys seems particularly interesting to me using a stripped down version of Aberrant.
I thought for supers there were already Fate rules set up for /superhero/ games? There have been Fate Mu*'s in the past. Would that make something like this more /doable/?