@aria said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Here's the thing that I think lots of people forget:
Kids are really smart. Like, a lot smarter than we give them credit for. Definitely the coding it for an eight year old is difficult, but... I think a lot of times, adults get way more worked up about stuff than kids do.
We used to see all this hand-wringing about "OMG, how do I explain the <whisper> gay lifestyle to my children?!?" and it's like... look, Susan. No one is asking you to explain leather daddies or something to your four year old. You can chill. The few times I've had to explain what 'gay' is to a kid, it's pretty much a case of "Well, they love each other just like your mommy and daddy do. It's just that they're both girls." And usually the kid is like, "Okay! Can we color now?"
I don't intend to knock at you at all here because I think that you're right that adults generally do get more worked up than can be warranted, but like...you can't just flippantly assume that a kid understands across the board. A lot of things don't have a simple "that's just the way it is" answer, children don't have the years of context and experience that we do so a lot of distinctions we make can seem very arbitrary and hard to parse to them and they will want to avoid the discomfort they feel during those conversations? So sometimes they just play it off, exactly like you describe.
But as a parent, you're the one who has to deal with the fallout if you missed something crucial or treated it too casually.
I think the emphasis on "because we don't want to make other people uncomfortable" idea will resonate pretty well if you can word it in a way he relates to.
This is what I have been leaning on, haha. We'll see how he does over the next few weeks.
ETA: I really appreciate the suggestions and I had an initial conversation with him that followed them, and I think he gets it. He'll probably have roughly a thousand follow up questions at random times over the next few weeks, knowing him, haha, but it was less stressful having talked about this beforehand. Thanks y'all.