Apr 24, 2021, 1:59 AM

@greenflashlight Everything @Aria said. And yes. Which is sad, since they are no less virile for having a vasectomy. The procedure changes neither sperm count nor motility. It just temporarily keeps you from having an accidental baby that could, I don't know, cost their SO their health, or worse, their life. Or could prevent a woman that is raped from also having to undergo the trauma of then finding out she is pregnant and having to decide what to do with the baby (and the insane amount of mental/emotional trauma that will accompany ANY of the choices she may have). Or could almost entirely erase preteen/teen pregnancy.

And it would have a cascading effect, too! Less unwanted pregnancies = less children being run through 'the system' = more attention and funding able to be given to those that are in 'the system' = ability to be more discerning in who is allowed to foster/adopt as regulations and requirements are able to be more strictly enforced... and it keeps going. Fewer children overall means less people needing welfare to care for their 5 kids. Means fewer kids in school/childcare so THOSE regulations are able to be more strictly enforced AND teachers are now able to give more attention to the kids in class. Fewer mouths to feed = lower likelihood of defaulting on bills of any kind. Millions of women no longer feeling like they have to put their education on hold so they can raise a child, or like they have to sacrifice large chunks of their life so they can try to do both at the same time.

It goes on and on and on.