@testament said in Good TV:
Exo-Squad was a gem that was unappreciated in it's time.
I concur wholeheartedly. I even watched the entire series recently on Peacock. But you have to admit that the animation was terrible, even for 90s standards. Were there ever a case of "I didn't watch this due to its animation style," this would be a classic example.
Which is why I brought it up. Lots of people, I think, didn't watch the new She-Ra due to its art and animation style. But they are missing out on a gem that is en masse underappreciated. This may be because the style is aimed towards a younger audience.
Even so, the lessons that are being taught to this younger audience are things that need to be reaffirmed again, and again, and again to adults. It's not as heavy-handed as The War for Cybertron: Siege's anti-Trumpian theme, but they are there.
- Gaslighting by friends.
- Abuse by parental figures.
- Deliberate alienation.
- Imposter Syndrome.
I don't often beg, but I really would beg you give it another chance. The show gets really good after the middle of the first season, where you finish the entire "getting to know you" episodes and begin the entire "now this is what's really going on" storyline. I hesitated to even show it to my girl because, well, I'm not sure how she would digest the dynamics (she's mildly on the spectrum to the point where she picks up way too much from what she observes).