@mr-johnson said in Project Gridlock (Temp Name) Matrix style mush:
Effectively what this means is that the Matrix world or The Grid is a world of darkness style world with players taking the role of vampires changelings mages excetra as normal but there's a second grid of the real world players can wake up into and jack in and out of the grid.
Fun fact.
My RL existence is that of a brain wearing bone armor and a meat suit who jacks into the internet to play vampires and werewolves.
Non-sarcastic comment:
I would recommend a theme other than "normal people who connect to an online gaming session that hosts an exhaustively huge WoD base set in New England 4.0" and maybe go with something Sci fi or other than a meta version of what the players are actually doing in real life (people who jack into MU server to play WoD).
Because I would hate for it know that this exists:
PLAYERS who connect to ONLINE GAME to play CHARACTERS WHO ARE PLAYERS connecting to an ANOTHER ONLINE GAME to play CHARACTER-PLAYER OWNED VAMPIRE CHARACTERS who TS and then disconnect to fight with each other and act out being players who have technically IC/OOC drama about online "relationships" and then disconnect to fight with each other about their online characters on the real MSB who fight with each other about their 2nd level IC vampires who do sex stuff.
OR I totally want to join and reopen WORA in the first layer human-space so that people can disconnect from the vampire space and have technically IC flame wars as assumed OOC personas.
Brain hurts now. Getting out of here.