Sep 12, 2021, 11:47 AM

@too-old-for-this said in Autism and The MU* Community:

Seriously, if you knew how much time I spend having to find the EXACT RIGHT pair of socks out of all of my socks... I will literally wear a single pair multiple days in a row because I know they fit together and I might just cry if I have to keep trying to re-match all my socks together every day...

I found one model of socks that I can tolerate. My entire(*) sock drawer is just two packs of these. Since they're all the same, I don't have to worry about matching them up. It takes me about a year or so before enough start getting holes, then I just buy two new packs.

(*) We don't talk about the weird special occasion socks stuffed in the back that I hate to wear because they're not the right socks.