Oct 13, 2021, 4:42 PM

I couldn't decide if though should go in RL Anger, but..

Work just dumped thousands of cases on me to review - for a department that is not one I work in, and I have not been cross trained to work in. This after I got more of my usual cases despite the tech issues with the software they insist I use (I couldn't log in at all to use it) because other people are 'doing other things'.

This is not my job, and I'm struggling with the tech crap as it is. I'm already depressed, and this is just pushing me to literal tears. I'm just so tired.

I have been pushed to interviewing for other jobs - I have an interview tomorrow for a job I would love, it pays more, it's more in line with things I'm interested in. If any of y'all have a thought to spare me tomorrow, please do. I'm desperate.

I've been seeing a therapist, but.. I have to find a nice way to tell him this isn't working for me. He's a very nice guy. But he's not... he's not helping me? Sure, he's sending me to get ADHD meds, which is huge, but... he just tells me 'it'll get better' when I'm telling him how depressed I am. There's no real feedback, no getting into underlying crap, which is what I need.

Sorry. Rambled.