Dec 28, 2021, 7:37 PM

Going to use this mostly as a log for what's being worked on with my new Cyberpunk 2020 project. I'm taking lessons learned from previous failed projects and trying a new approach this time with an actual coder brought onto the project to assist me with getting a good solid feel for the games systems.

What's the goal of the project: To port the tabletop experience of Cyberpunk 2nd edition AKA 2020 into a mush environment.

What does that entail: Full character sheets, inventory system, basic questing system, a number of optional minigame mechanics, a two layer grid with meatspace and the Net, rolling code, stats code, and a grid that'll be expanded as player demand calls for it.

What's done so far? Inventory system is complete and just requires population, multiple minigames have been completed including a cellphone system that you can tap into in order to listen in on peoples ic calls, and the system for dual grids where each physical location has a location on the net and vice versa.

Answered questions will go here.

Why Cyberpunk 2020? Well it's been a dream game of mine since about 2014 to make a Cyberpunk server, and up until now I didn't really have the knowledge available to make it work to my liking. This and the Fallout mush project have just been on my back burner for about half a decade. I chose 2020 in particular because RED isn't quite out yet in full, and Cyberpunk v3 was notoriously bad.

Why not Shadowrun? Well personally while I would be just as happy to make a shadow run game, and may in the distant future my coder has more experience and appreciation for Cyberpunk so work with what you've got. I also think that having to only deal with physical and the net as opposed to Physical, Astral, and Matrix will make the work a bit easier as will not having to worry about all the different metatypes out the gate.

If anyone has a good suggestion for wiki software/ a wiki site I'd be happy to start getting up lore info and the like for public perusal since I've got most of the info written down on my good ol laptop.