Apr 11, 2022, 12:48 AM

@sunny said in MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't):

Not everyone is able to DM, not everyone is able to run PRPs, not everyone is able to be creative on demand.

Frankly, I disagree. If you can be creative enough to RP a character, you can be creative enough to run an NPC in a plot. Not every plot requires intensive rules. Not every plot even requires rolls. It's just another form of RP. GMs just have more leeway, and a few more tools. It doesn't require any special skills that you don't already use in the normal course of RP.

“Everyone needs to just step up and run plots” is an unreasonable expectation, full stop.

Fortunately, that's not what anyone actually said. You're pushing back against a point that isn't being made.

Even assuming you're right, though, in the idea that not everyone can GM, I find it incredibly unlikely that those who can't are somehow a substantial majority of players. If you could even get 50%, you'd have most things covered, and people could go do other things.