Jul 19, 2022, 10:06 PM

I guess here's my hot take on this:

I think that the schism from this board did repair the community.

Or, more specifically, I think that this board had very clearly settled into Warring Tribes. I'm definitely not the only one that saw as much, either. It's where a lot of the talk about a specific clique comes from. It's hard to pin down because it's something fluid, and has enough people moving in and out that it's probably best described as a tribe.

And we'd been trying to share a space for entirely too long. Like roommates with incompatible lifestyles and viewpoints, the enmities and vitriol just starting to boil over all the damn time in these little dogpiles and pissing matches.

I think that the split, while being characterized as a wound by a great many people, could just as easily be seen as the beginnings of healing far older wounds by just as many. Or at least giving it the space and air to start to heal, rather than sitting there festering.

People have pointed out that there's now an "us vs. them" mentality because there are two boards. I would like to counter with: there was an us vs. them mentality on this board before the split. Now it's just more visible.

And I think this is probably one of the healthier things that has happened in a good long while.