Hi all! A bit of an ADHD update this time, but with some serious progress. I finally took the time to sit down and learn Evennia. WoooaaaahhhH!!!
I've been having a blast working on Cyberpunk Red in the /hopes/ that there will be interest (Hard to find these days!) When my wife and a few others wanted to try out Vampire 5th edition with solid interest.
Couple that with my interest in the Werewolf 5th Edition, which comes out at the end of August. I decided to lay down some code and see where it goes.
I'm not sure if this is a full-on game or just a library for people to work off of. I honestly have minimal time to wrangle cats because of Job responsibilities.
Chargen is 'done' save for some data entry, Notes, Jobs is underway, BBS - the most challenging part about Evennia is the auxiliary code that must be written to have a playable MUSH-Like.
Let me know if you're interested in helping write/playtest. I'm keeping things extremely limited right now - and caveat that nothing may come from this experiment than a starting place for someone else.
Under Construction Repo (Alpha stage, be warned)
This week's /visual/ project is getting the data-entry pages for the wiki designed. Step one, toss boot-strap right into the garbage.