Jan 21, 2016, 10:46 PM

@Arkandel said:

"Hey, anyone want to do something?"
"Sure! You wanna meet at $place?"

"I'm so bored, someone run something for me."
"Alright, what would you like ran?"
"I dunno."
"How about $thing?"
"No, it doesn't fit me exactly right."

"Hey, I noticed you guys were playing, want one more?"
"Sure, come over!"
<comes over and starts chatting OOC about their day, poses once every half hour>

And so on. 🙂

If I had a nickle for every time I've run into this over the years...

Reminds me of multiple conversations I have about how time is precious, and I have a limited amount of it to spend actively doing things on a game...so for the love of god, be courteous, people.

Kind of ties into the issues of selfishness. I don't know if it's a general lack of empathy on the part of some folks, or what, but ... < Some point I was going to make, but work just ate me and I don't remember...damnit. >