@Thenomain said:
I kind of do think that you are social-contract obligated to involve everyone in your scene, which means playing off their character and poses and making space for them to add to things. If they don't take it, if they don't want it, if they don't engage then hey, you did your part to create that upward feedback spiral of awesome that is an engaging situation.
I agree with this on some levels, and not others.
I suppose it depends on how someone defines 'being included', first. Some need a bigger invitation than others. For instance, some feel a glance toward That Person You've Never Met with a 'I notice another person her' sort of nod like you'd potentially exchange in an office waiting room is enough to say: 'hey, let's find a reason to interact', which is perfectly reasonable for most modern settings. Others want an engraved invitation signed in triplicate by everyone in the scene for an 'OK', or instant complete focus from all parties thrown their way when they put a pose even if nobody knows them yet IC -- even if it's that same basic nod pose and scenario.
You can have two people with these differing expectations in one place, and both are going to sincerely believe to have done the right thing, but feel others have not. How reasonable either set of expectations actually is can be argued in a variety of ways.
Sometimes the culture of a game trends toward one direction or another, which can leave the person with the style less common to that space the odd man out, and feeling that they're doing something wrong or are unwelcome there. This can vary a lot based on experience -- good or bad or even if the trend that week seems to be headed in one direction or the other -- confidence levels, and how well the player does or doesn't know the play styles of others present.
My basic take on this boils down to some fairly simple principles, but they have the same ultimate failing "don't be a dick" ultimately does. Most people have some general areas of agreement about how to go about them, but differ on a lot of the fine points. It can be summarized as this: "Be observant. Create openings. Be willing to take risks."
...you can probably see how that works and how it doesn't.
I'll actually try to write up what that all means while snowed in this weekend in hopes it might be a help, but for now... coffee.