@faraday Not to me. The good shows work it into a plot line, give the characters a chance to figure out how the Hell so many random strangers keep finding their way there. Hell, some shows turn it into a running gag for the audience!
Random Stranger #362 has entered the <insert place here>. Current Leader rolls his eyes and asides to his new Love Interest, "Man, if we keep getting new people in, we're going to need a bigger island!" Cue laugh track, cut to commercial.
The only thing I would look at is the size of the Isolated Spot you're trying to put the game in. If its a small area with few resources... that's not going to work for a MU*. That's why stuff like Walking Dead or other post-apocalyptic settings tend to work better. Small groups can still be isolated from one another, but the playing field is cast and can support a large number of players. The desert island scenario can only stretch so far before there's too many people for the island to support. If you're looking to sandbox or invite-only, that's not quite so big a deal. But if you're looking to open to the public, you'll need to make sure your isolated area can support a very large number of people.