@Apollonius said:
I am still bitter about 5th World because I had an amazing PC out there and the very IC mindset of the PC was more or less a banned concept (high technology mad scientist with an interest in outright destroying the planet where a major existential threat to humanity existed). Like, it wasn't even something I could talk about because it was inconceivable as a topic for any PC because the game was predicated on fighting the enemy with sharp pointy sticks and that was the only way.
I tend to subscribe to the runaway freight train model of staffing. Let things run off the cliff. No game is so sacrosanct that player decisions are trumped by staff fiat. My PC was pushing for the development of nuclear weapons and planet destroyers (both which were somehow banned technologies... against a foe that EXISTED TO MURDER YOUR SPECIES' ENTIRE EXISTENCE with no real reason why IC such weapons were not allowed against such an existential foe).
Not to totally derail the thread, but this was actually something we discussed on OOC channels (and which I admit that we as Staff did not handle all that well). What we were trying to get across was that these things had been tried, and had failed in the past, leading the military/scientific powers-that-be to look to other avenues that worked better (even if they were not generally 'final' solutions like a successful planet-killer would have been). What we as Staff -should- have done (I now see) rather than just shutting the idea down, was to explain the situation and then attempt to guide your interests in a related field that wouldn't totally /end/ the game designed to be a long-term fight against an implacable enemy.
So... to get back to the discussion at hand, be very, very clear about your theme. If your theme is, for instance, Space Knights Fighting BioEngineered Cyborgs With Knightly Weapons, be very clear about this somewhere, and let people know that that's the theme. On Fifth World, we had a few people who wanted to play a Hard Science Fiction Game, and we had a few people who wanted to play a Straight Up Fantasy Game, and it was a constant struggle to maintain the theme without introducing cognitive dissonance between the two outliers and the majority of people who were playing smack in the middle of the game's theme.
I often like to play the same sort of character, and while that character can still get involved in the marriage simulator--and even the political/empire-building game--I agree that the adventures/Knight Errant sort of play is the most entertaining. I think it's more a question of finding those who like the same sort of play that you do, and finding a niche to play it in (and usually a Staffer to help run those things), than of trying to change the whole genre of the game.
As several people have noted, the focus on LnL games becomes Marriage Simulators when Staff does not provide enough plot to interest the players, or when players are not empowered to run storylines of their own, or both. The best way to keep an LnL game from becoming nothing more than a Marriage Simulator (although I think that sort of by definition there will be Marriage Simulation within an LnL game) is to give people other things to do and keep those other things moving forward.