Jun 29, 2016, 4:53 PM

@Pyrephox Re: ketchup on eggs, ugh, yes, agreed. 😐 I know many of the same kinds of folks, and my reactions to them vary from being chill with them to having the weirdest discussions ever that result in bizarre arguments... which should also surprise roughly no one without the need to be psychic. πŸ˜‰

What's being missed here, though? I was addressing a specific post, and a specific point in it.

I even had to go back and do it again, I mean... yeesh, you wanna talk about frustrated? Try doing that twice and still seeing people conflate all manner of other things into the mix. πŸ˜•

"believing isn't inherently bad" -- again, too many examples either way for this statement to really stand as inherently true or false. Some instances, true. Some instances, false.

You can't generalize the truth or falsehood of the statement, however, from one instance, save for in reference to that instance.

What I am seeing, repeatedly, is essentially a lot of, "Bigfoot isn't real because magic is can't be proven to exist." "Ghosts can't be real because some religions make people do dangerous things." "Religious people are cultists because there's no demonstrable evidence that people can move things with their minds under lab conditions."

These are statements that makes no sense whatsoever, and they are what comes from conflating as much as is being consistently conflated throughout the thread.

Yeah, that is eye-rollingly frustrating, it's typical of over-generalizing and conflating too many things, and just... arrrrgh.