I empathize. And I sympathize. It's a mixed-up pile of shit.
RL Anger
And mine isn't even a quarter of how bad yours was. Good lord, woman.
2016 has been the craptastic year for me. But I keep refusing to let it. Nope. No. Will not happen.
Also, family members not delivering news of pets dying in good ways SUCKS. When I was a kid, my cat was my best friend (yeah I was one of those ;.;) and after spending 3 weeks at my grandmother's, my parents pick me up at the airport and the VERY FIRST THING they did (before hugging me, greeting me, etc.) was tell me '<cat> died.'
I get that for some people, it's nbd, but for those of us who form deep ties with our pets and greatly appreciate and sometimes need their companionship, it's hard. I feel for all of you that have lost fuzzies recently.
Asshole agent, if you're going to suddenly demand we get your fancy client's concert live on our website TODAY!!! after being an asshole through negotiations for months, it'd sure be helpful if you would respond to things for approval in a timely manner so that we could, you know, do the thing you're demanding has to happen or your fancy client WALKS!!! in what I assume would be a dramatic fashion.
Also, don't write me bitchy emails when I politely ask you to send a higher-res version of the photo you want to use. No, you most definitely did not use a 960x960 pixel image on posters or a billboard. Don't worry, though! I know how to use reverse GIS to find a size -- closer to what we actually need. It's cool, it's not like you should have this on hand for your own client.
No, actually. Sorry, RL Anger. Life is pretty sweet, at the moment. Fistbump.
Starting the day with a lengthy guilt tripping text about how I've ruined her life because I'm an awful kid and also how unfair it is because we no longer entertain the idea at all that the kids will visit on their own (across the country) since 2 years ago my mom went on a violent drunken rampage and attacked me physically, had to be restrained in hospital and has yet to not state it was my fault because I didn't say thank you properly. Apparently when you say "I'm sorry, I should just kill myself because you'll never give me another chance and you hate me so much" that's a great apology and recognizing what took place, and means that everything should be in the past and I am cruel for not believing that my children are safe in unsupervised care with her where I'm a 5 hour plane ride away.
Guess I'm getting my annual birthday message of "you were the worst mistake of my life, I should have gotten a better kid, you suck" two days early this year. I'm not real sure why I allow this to hurt me, you'd think after over 40 years of it I'd be used to it, but it does. Oh well, back to getting weird huggy sparkly emojis and stupid trite religious messages tomorrow.
Thanks mom.
@mietze Your birthday is 7/2? Mine's 7/3! Sorry about your mom situation, but happy birthday cancer baby.
I empathize. And I sympathize. It's a mixed-up pile of shit.
Woke up to one of the worst migraines I've had in years. The imitrex is not helping. I was able to reschedule at least my last three hours of work to tomorrow, but I still have about 2 hours to go.
The roommate went to the game store last night and bought two of the 100 packs of glow in the dark Zombies so we had more zombies for our Zombicide board game night. And I'll be damned if the whole apartment hasn't smelled like that glow in the dark plastic shit since last night.
Getting home from a crappy day at work to find out my cat is really dying. Peaceful so not going to call the house call vet unless he's in pain or struggling. But it's pretty damn clear.
It's the worst. I'm so sorry.
@mietze I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you and I hope your cat slips peacefully away.
I am so sorry.
Thanks, guys. He ended up showing signs of distress so i took him in to the emergency vet, we were able to make him comfortable and I was able to hold him as he died. I feel kind of numb, but it was the right decision I think.
Thanks, guys. He ended up showing signs of distress so i took him in to the emergency vet, we were able to make him comfortable and I was able to hold him as he died. I feel kind of numb, but it was the right decision I think.
I'm very sorry.
But I'm glad you were able to help him be comfortable in the end. I believe that's always the right choice, yes.
@mietze So many hugs. I'm so sorry.
This complaint isn't so much anger. It's more sadness, perhaps? I woke up this morning and discovered I have three silver hairs. Not one or two for my first discovery, but three.
Hello, mortality. A pleasure to meet you.
@Faceless I've been 90% silver since my 17th birthday. Count your blessings
Nobody believes I'm in my mid thirties.
I'm lucking out with the creepy sparkle white when it comes in.
I have no idea when it began coming in, since I've been dyeing my hair strange colors since I was 13.
Then, one sad day, after I had let the roots grow out a while, I looked... and thought I had glitter and dust in my hair there was so much light sparkly shit going on in there.
I was wrong...
...so very wrong...
I've had issues with hip pain for 5, 6 years now. Used to be I'd spend 3-4 days every few months with severe pain in my right hip. Then it was about every month. On and on until the past six months where it's been 5-6 days a week.
Finally brought it up to my doctor yesterday (the last time I tried talking to a doctor about it, I got the 'oh you're just overweight if you exercise it'll clear up' spiel). She actually did an examination. Due to the location/points of pain, she thinks it's bursitis. So I got a lovely hydrocortisone shot in my hip.
And those, if you've never had one, hurt like a bitch to get (as she described it: they insert the needle until they hit the bone, then back off a bit... which is all kinds of joy) and can hurt for up to 4 days after. I've had one once before, for a badly pulled tendon in my foot, and it didn't hurt much beyond the first night. My hip tho? Goddamn I hurt today. And I'm moving like a snail because of it.