Aug 1, 2016, 11:58 AM

@Auspice said in RL Anger:


But she's definitely been made worse. In some of the comics, she has had arcs (here and there; they can be rare) with real, actual depth. Some of the justifications for her Suicide Squad costumes... 'We want to show that she's owning her sexuality.' I mean, OK. I kind of get that? But at the same time... Not many women (if any) are gonna go to the theater and think 'girl power' with those outfits. They're going to sigh about yet more fanservice.

This especially stands out in memory. Hate the outfit, but otherwise...

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The Injustice book is so weird. On the one hand, it has some of the most touching storylines for some characters (like Harley, above) and also the plotting is pretty tightly written because they're one-year arcs, no exceptions; on the other hand, they are so hamfisted in so much of it, it's crazy.