@icanbeyourmuse Booze /and/ murder. What could be better?
Car 54, where are you? (Wildcard Want Ads)
@Coin said:
@Sanguine, glare all you want. The game is coming along. We've had a few setbacks because code is taking longer than expected (and werewolf still isn't out).
My design team keeps deciding things then asking me how long it would take, and my project manager is swamped with life. I can't resist the puppy dog eyes when being asked to install a completely new system, either.
No, you're not getting squid-taxis on opening days. And screw your fishing system. Seriously. Screw. You.
Everyone else: I believe Cobalt is using Fate Accelerated, which is stupid easy, even on the combat. Stupid. Easy. And you are the kinds of people who keep wanting scavenging and bomb building and sword making systems because omg we need more complexity!
FAE is easy.
@Sanguine said:
I keep thinking maaaaybe it would be fun. I like @Cobaltasaurus, and I love her stories... then I remember FATE and how the combat system gives me a headache, and I go back to virtually glaring at @Coin and gnashing teeth.
How does the combat system give you headaches? It might be more streamlined in FAE? I've run a couple of combat scenes they weren't bad. No more complicated or harder than oWoD, I'd imagine.
- Determine attack approach (flashy, careful, etc).
- Determine if any stunts/aspects can be added.
- Roll.
- Other person rolls for defense.
- Damage is the difference of those two rolls.
ETA: Apologies for the caps, but more and more posts were popping up as I was replying and I was like: Stop! Please stop!
Yeah, FATE doesn't seem too bad. I'm trying to puzzle through it and rustle an interesting character out of my sadbrains. I think I'm just gonna write my ideas down, roll a dice and go with it.
@icanbeyourmuse said:
@ThatOneDude @Wizz @Huzuruth should come be NPC with me on @Cobaltasaurus game. I'm doing the loyalist angle.
I'd totally jump in and I actually was rolling up a PC at Wildcard not too long ago, but my new work schedule is kicking my ass. I'll need another week or so to adjust. :S
@icanbeyourmuse NPC?!?! Who we murdering?! @Luna can be my getaway driver!
@Cobaltasaurus Sorry about the derail. Yes, that sounds easier than the FATE I remember, so maybe it is. I'll see how I feel after looking over the rules again. Thanks .
@ThatOneDude Haha. I dunno but I'm going Belle Morte vampire. I'll be the distraction while you do the murdering and @Luna can totally drive the get away. @Sanguine can be the look out.
@icanbeyourmuse I cans be sneaky sneaky!
@Sanguine Totally! And you can do the murdering if @ThatOneDude fails. It's all wine!
@icanbeyourmuse Booze /and/ murder. What could be better?
I hate FATE/FAE so very very much. But it's the only Anita Blake game in town so I plowed through CGEN and now just ignore the horrible system in favor of RP which is the important part.
@TNP said:
I hate FATE/FAE so very very much. But it's the only Anita Blake game in town so I plowed through CGEN and now just ignore the horrible system in favor of RP which is the important part.
I have never seen such a polarizing system as Fate, but FAE? There's hardly anything in there to hate.
There is a great deal of illusion attached to many game systems. Distractions of resolution, probability, xp spending, equipment and enhancement gathering. What about the game play suggested in FAE is the issue?
I obviously can't speak for others, but I didn't see too big an issue with the FATE system. I just don't like it.
My comment was directed more to Paladin. Nothing's wrong with hating something, as long as you don't go out of your way to say just how much you hate it oh my god it is so terrible. I get enough of that in my day in Mac/PC/*NIX wars,
@TNP has always been thoughtful in his reasoning, from way back in the SWOFA days, so I'm wondering what his reasoning is with FAE. Then we can put up a "The More You Know" banner and feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
@Thenomain said:
@TNP said:
I hate FATE/FAE so very very much. But it's the only Anita Blake game in town so I plowed through CGEN and now just ignore the horrible system in favor of RP which is the important part.
I have never seen such a polarizing system as Fate, but FAE? There's hardly anything in there to hate.
To a certain degree, that's exactly the point. I've played Champions and M&M in its various editions. I can enjoy crunchy. I've also played on supers games with traits and no numbers at all. That can also be fun. FATE and FAE are neither and fails at being a compromise between the two. However, that's just mechanics and I can ignore mechanics.
What I hate most about them are Aspects and being forced to come up with them in CGEN. I don't work that way. I only have the barest idea of what a character is like when I get him approved. Once he hits the grid, he develops and grows often in ways completely different than I first envisioned when I went into CGEN. Having to invent Aspects and predefine who he is, what he thinks, etc never works and ruins the concept as I have to force him into a mold that is almost guaranteed to not fit.
In bitching to others who also hate this system, I've discovered that's often the big reason for it.
@TNP: I had the same issue.
In both books, there is a very large paragraph in character generation that essentially says this:
You can opt to create your character as you go, with game-master approval.
And in character advancement:
At the end of each chapter, you can swap out any one Aspect.
Would that fix your most major of issues?
Me, I find that I prefer structured storytelling games over free-for-all storytelling games, so I fit Fate very well. I hate D&D 3rd Ed and above because I don't understand the crunch and I just get people to tell me what to do. (I don't want to use my brain to consider the difference between a "step" and a "slide" and good fucking god can we just play and make up the unwritten rules as we go along? And fuck you, AoO. This categorizes what I consider the most soul-sucking rule in D&D. Sincerely, Thenomain.)
That is, I understand your pain, but this is the same pain that anyone who wants to play with friends in a game they don't really enjoy. I even run into this with tabletop games. It's why we don't play Red Dragon Inn anymore.