@Auspice What does an RP admin do?
I imagine someone tapping their foot while looking at the pose-production dipping this week on the Excel sheet. Those numbers won't do, man! Someone's gotta take the fall for this and it ain't gonna be them!
@Auspice What does an RP admin do?
I imagine someone tapping their foot while looking at the pose-production dipping this week on the Excel sheet. Those numbers won't do, man! Someone's gotta take the fall for this and it ain't gonna be them!
While I would be AWESOME at that (just gimme a clipboard, yo!), I'll be working with the Theme guy to develop metaplot, managing the STs, etc.
Any news?
@Ghost said in ROGUE: It is coming...:
Any news?
Last thing I saw was that it was opening in December.
Still coding along Reworking the website and wiki into bootstrap. Upgrading forums to pop latest.
@Fantom said in ROGUE: It is coming...:
Still coding along
Reworking the website and wiki into bootstrap. Upgrading forums to pop latest.
I see that you're reworking the wiki. I assume that you are going to make the wiki less, well, destructive to people's eyes at some point? Because it's pretty bad right now.
@Alzie I think the entire website is bad, let alone the wiki. Yes I am reworking the wiki, the website and the forums. In bootstrap. Should be done next week.
I found the best youtube channel ever:
I was just watching air wolf on Netflix lol. Ahh childhood
Website and wiki is almost done. I have to say, it has been a nice break from coding on the mush. On the other hand, I look forward to getting back to that
Website/forums/wiki is 99% done. Almost ready for release. I had a server melt down, and thus had to migrate to a new data center. Migration is almost complete. Will be complete this week, along with the website. Then back to coding. Still on target for a December IC open.
BTW, I registered swrmush.com along with swrmud.com.....haha
Update: This project is being shut down.
@Fantom Sorry to hear that!
That's too bad. What caused you to abandon it?
Too much work solo. I have a few other projects going on, but there are teams working on them so it won't all be on my case load.
I'm mostly switching back to MUDS though. Gonna put my mu* career on the shelf for awhile. When I have time I may tinker with SWR in a mud setting.
BTW @Alzie I did finish the WIKI
Although I won't be using it, can you take a look and tell me what you think
Also if anyone is interested in my design work or has a game that could utilize a website/forums/wiki like http://swrmush.com lemme know
Aw, that's a bummer, I was looking forward to playing on this, even though I'm a crap-ass builder who suddenly got RL busy AF over the summer. That is one sekzi as hell website, though.
@Fantom It looks good. My only complaints would be that the lightning on the menu bar makes the text a little hard to read and that the quotes could be a lighter green and they would probably show up better. But yeah, I like this much better. Sorry to hear it went away.
It might not be a bad idea to throw a li a.active selector into your CSS class for your links, too. Like...
#swikilinks (or whatever the class is) li a:active {
background: transparent;
color: #72c02c;
Or something similar. It may not be great to make it that color of green, given that it seems that's what you're using, but it'd be a decent improvement.
Edit to add: It looks pretty sweet, though. Also, I just read the bit about you not using it. I'm sorry to hear that.
Sorry to hear about that, @Fantom. It looked like a project with a lot of promise, and what is there does look great.