World of Warcraft: Legion
@Insomnia Can't be that, my authenticator's on the same phone as I installed the app in, and it worked fine for me.
I log in, it gives me the code, I flip over to the authenticator and approve, flip back and it's connecting and asks me to log in again.
@Insomnia It could be that a billion nerds are using it at once atm.
@Arkandel I finally got it to work, I had to use the pull down update panel thingy and not actually leave the app and it worked. Flipping back and forth makes it reconnect like the first time, apparently!
Probably the nerd thing too.
The app for iOS has two different set of functions between iPhone and iPad. The iPhone has such things as access to your armory, guild info/chat, AH and all that while the iPad has the order hall mission control stuff and world map where you can track your various quests. While I don't see the purpose for this (except perhaps lessening the load the app puts on the devices by splitting it up like that, maybe?) I can't say I mind how they've done that. All in all, I really like it.
My guess is it is to maintain engagement, allow some planning, and allow you to more closely manage the missions and recruits in a timely (obsessive) manner.
@Misadventure If it lets me renew missions while I'm at work it's all good.
Hell, yesterday I was playing WoW and I used the app just so I wouldn't have to hearth over to the Class Hall then come back.
Oooh. Secret world boss!
It's just a random group but it made me feel good.
Always upvote a fellow resto druid.
@Darinelle I love them in Legion so far. 5-mans boss fights are often in some pretty tight quarters with a lot of stuff to avoid on the ground, so being able to heal on the movie is invaluable. Paladins and Monks (to a smaller degree) may be having a harder time at it for mythics.
Can't decide if I wanna play WoW again. I've got a free trail period on WoW.
@Arkandel - I'm not really sure about that. Our holy pally isn't having any trouble in mythic groups. They have to move and cast and move and cast, but at least their heals move the health bar. So far, I'm tentatively in favor of the resto druid changes, more or less, provided you have a stable healing crew and a solid tank healer that isn't you. In mythics things get dicey if people in general stand in all the shit, which is why I LOATHE pug-healing. With a good group it's a little ouchy but doable.
Also that second gold trait on G'Hanir is AMAZEBALLS.
Also also, I love jumping around like a madwoman while casting Rejuv. And bouncing some more. Because reasons.
I'm madmadmadmadSOMADALLTHEMAD about what they did with Balance druids though, so now I'm feral in my offspec and it still doesn't matter because I'm mostly just resto, hanging out for the 20th, preaching the end of the world.
@Darinelle Usually I'm Guardian for world quests just in case I get adds, but really as my gear progressed over the 830 ilvl line I found even in resto I could hold my own anyway for most of them. My only problem with forms is ... well I can't see my transmogs when I'm a big bear, can I.
Healers do get freebie satchels on demand though which I find is already adding up. I just wish they worked for Mythics.
Quotes by Johnny Awesome, an NPC in the actual game (as is another in his group, Damass
Johnny Awesome has arrived, philistine. Present me with your menial tasks so that I may complete them with only mild enthusiasm and most likely a complete disregard for any directions that you provide that are more complicated than what my map is able to display."
"Look at me peasant. Heirlooms cover my body from head to toe, gifted to me by the greatest heroes Azeroth has ever known.
Now look at yourself.
Quickly, look back at me.
Yes, this horse IS made of STARS.
What pointless series of tasks befitting a mentally deficient orc have you prepared for me?"
I just got yelled at by a gnome for not wanting to group up, he kept spamming how stupid I was to me over and over until I ignored him. Then all my warlock pets drowned until I cast unending breath on them.
WoW, I've missed you while my computer was being a jerk.
@Arkandel - that is, well - Awesome. I missed that series and haven't been back yet to catch up on it, but I'm definitely going to be sure to make time for it because aaaahaahahahahaha.
I basically do everything in resto and there are only a couple of things I can't do on my own. Withered training gets done in Guardian though, I won't lie. Further into the expac now, I'm still enjoying everything but the debacle they've made the tradeskills and, as someone who spends time stocking our guildbank for raids, I'm frustrated at the material requirements for EVERYTHING, the way you get recipes, the ranking system, and what they've done with gathering.
I still think it's a pretty small pet peeve, and that once we get past this initial push into raiding, things will smooth out and I won't spend QUITE so much time farming, but who knows.
Also freebie satchels are nice, except I hate PUGing now with a vengeance and stick to guild groups. I have other things to do that aren't WOW, so if I'm not raiding, or farming mats for raid consumables, I'm being dragged all over everywhere for mythics and mythic+ with guildies now - so I miss the random heroics more often than not.
@Darinelle The only thing I don't like about Druids so far is common the class is - I was used to my Monk for the last two expansions, and when I signed up for a guild raid I realized how overplayed this class is.
But I love the toolset; proactive setup (you have few oh-shit buttons, usually you need to have prepared for emergencies in advance), a combat rez which has saved many a 5-man bacon and stealth is so great for world quests.
@Arkandel - it wasn't really that way last expac except with Resto druids (for no reasons I could determine, since resto druids were arguably the weakest healers), but this expac seems like everyone wants to play a druid. I suspect this has to do with us being the perfect class, since we can fill any role, but whatever. With the new loot system the way it is, I don't mind having more leather-wearing classes around, to be sure.
That being said, stealth (and in the case of Night Elves, shadowmeld) makes for broken and wonderful World Questing. How I'm going to deal with it on my alts is anyone's guess.
@Darinelle said in World of Warcraft: Legion:
I suspect this has to do with us being the perfect class, since we can fill any role, but whatever. With the new loot system the way it is, I don't mind having more leather-wearing classes around, to be sure.
The biggest problem with Legion (for me) is how the artifact system caps the potential for alts, or even other specs. So Druids actually have it worse because there are four specs to add those precious points to, which is...meh.