Here where I live (rural Southern MD), the cops will give you a ticket for standing in the divider. You're only supposed to cross at a crosswalk, but you can get away with crossing anywhere as long as you can get across the street in one go. This means no standing in the center turning lane, the median, etc. waiting for the other lanes to clear.
RL Anger
Dear student who just moved to town for university. It appears you have come from a town that doesn't have crosswalks, so you don't know how to use them, so let me clue you in; You have the right of way in them, not 10 feet away from them when you are wearing black in the rain and walk right past it anyway.
I had a case where a man on a motorized wheelchair attempted to cross five lanes of traffic in the rain at night outside of a crosswalk. He crossed four of the five lanes, where vehicles had stopped for him, but in the last lane the motorist could not see him and killed him when she drove at the speed limit through her right-of-way.
There was a crosswalk forty feet away.
His estate sued the motorist, but the motorist won because it is illegal to cross such a road outside of a crosswalk. Furthermore, comparative negligence so substantially outweighed his argument that the motorist was granted summary judgment.
His estate was awarded zero damages.
Go to fucking crosswalks, people, for fuck's sake.
What kills me (but hopefully will not kill them, however deserved it might be) is people who just stroll right across a busy street when there is not merely a crosswalk but an honest to God elevated walkway less than fifty feet away.
Unfortunately in my state, pedestrians have automatic right-of-way, even if they're not in a crosswalk. So it doesn't matter where they are or what they're doing (like staring at their smartphone), or how slow they're going.
More an RL annoyance than outright anger, but...
If I uninstall your program, and you automagically open a browser tab to ask me to fill in a goddamn survey, I will use your intestines to hang you. -
Today on my way to work, a group of college students were crossing a major 5-lane street against the turn light/Don't Walk signal. Thhe car in front of me waited, but man the ironies considering what I've just learned about pedestrian right of way.
I'm also surprised how easy the Ohio laws can be to read, on the matter of where and when a pedestrian has right of way. I now understand Gany's complaints that rules on Mushes aren't bad if they're written well, and aren't written well.
Dear student who just moved to town for university. It appears you have come from a town that doesn't have crosswalks, so you don't know how to use them, so let me clue you in; You have the right of way in them, not 10 feet away from them when you are wearing black in the rain and walk right past it anyway.
I had a case where a man on a motorized wheelchair attempted to cross five lanes of traffic in the rain at night outside of a crosswalk. He crossed four of the five lanes, where vehicles had stopped for him, but in the last lane the motorist could not see him and killed him when she drove at the speed limit through her right-of-way.
There was a crosswalk forty feet away.
His estate sued the motorist, but the motorist won because it is illegal to cross such a road outside of a crosswalk. Furthermore, comparative negligence so substantially outweighed his argument that the motorist was granted summary judgment.
His estate was awarded zero damages.
Go to fucking crosswalks, people, for fuck's sake.
Where I used to live, to walk home from Metro I'd have to cross a 6 lane road, with a protected divide in the middle. Although there was a crosswalk, cars didn't have a light or a stop sign because it wasn't a full intersection. So, you wait until the lanes going west cleared, crossed to the center divide, and then wait until the lanes going east cleared before crossing.
SO MANY TIMES, someone trying to be "nice" would attempt to yield to me when I was standing in that protected center divide and would not understand when I refused to cross. But this is the reason why. In broad daylight, I couldn't see all three lanes and I knew for certain that the car that would come barreling down that third lane wouldn't be able to see me, and I like living, OK? Plus, it was a 30 second wait before traffic would either clear, or be at a standstill because of the light a block up and I could cross safely.
Here where I live (rural Southern MD), the cops will give you a ticket for standing in the divider. You're only supposed to cross at a crosswalk, but you can get away with crossing anywhere as long as you can get across the street in one go. This means no standing in the center turning lane, the median, etc. waiting for the other lanes to clear.
This post is deleted! -
If someone asks if you need help, and they are earnest, the response is never a defensive "obviously". You realize that I could mess you up at any point in this discussion, right?
Also, you are apparently a sock puppet made of straw.
Yay! Only 330bucks from a new PC-- oh, only 4 hours of work this week and 8 or 12 the past week...
@RnMissionRun said in RL Anger:
Here where I live (rural Southern MD), the cops will give you a ticket for standing in the divider. You're only supposed to cross at a crosswalk, but you can get away with crossing anywhere as long as you can get across the street in one go. This means no standing in the center turning lane, the median, etc. waiting for the other lanes to clear.
Yeah. This is a different situation than that which is usually the right thing. The divided area has a cross walk going to it and a cross walk leading from it. The crosswalks in either direction actually both have their own signal light on the divider, but this particular spot doesn't have a signal light at all. Basically, the entire purpose of the divider is to give people a place to stop and pause while crossing the street because someone decided that putting a six-line road in one of the most pedestrian-heavy places in the country was a good idea.
Still, even if that wasn't the case? Even if I would have been ticketed for standing there? I'd rather pay a ticket than be dead or in the hospital.
People who have to enter comment threads that are in good spirits (discussing pre-00 anime people like) just to shit on everyone's parade. aka 'You all have absolutely terrible taste. MY favorite anime is...'
Which might have been fine and I could have ignored it, except she decided to target me specifically with:
'You have the tastes of a lonely fat girl. I bet you even like Star Wars. Dune is better.'...I told her she's an adorable little hipster and someday she'll be a real person.
@Auspice Why would you lie to her like that? Most vile assholes never become real people.
@Auspice These people have no fucking idea. None. I have way too much 'walked to school in the snow uphill both ways' background with collecting shit from/through the 80s that I just can't even muster the urge to roll my eyes at such people. Spoiled little children, so help me.
@Auspice That sounds like classic one-upping. Some people just can't help themselves, they need to assert their own condition over others'. "I'm tired today" "Oh, don't talk to me about tired, do you know how tired I am?".
Because two people can't be tired at the same time, or like different things without one of them being wrong.
I hate it when personality tests come across my Facebook feed:
Question one: How would you defend yourself in a dangerous situation?
- Transform into a giant semi-truck robot and shoot them with lasers
- Throw a batarang
- Unleash your adamantium claws and berserker rage
- Team up with five of your friends and attack with giant lion robots.