SoI is still running?
Players from Bourbon and Blood, Shadows of Isildur
I played both BnB and SoI. Curious as most people here tend to have played more recent games.. Both of these were more 2004.
City of Serenity
AlonsoShadows of Isildur
Lucio RentirBourbon and Blood
Jose -
I don't know any of these games, but I love the name "Bourbon and Blood" even if it does sound like a New Orleans Vampire game.
@Thenomain It was. Also brought by the people of Twilight Reconquista.
Indeed. My first vampire mud experience. I also had a Malkavian though I forget his name for Twilight Reconquista.
Assuming I haven't forgotten everything (it's always as possibility) I had several characters on Bourbon and Blood -- Calar Deloas and Ari Bryant were probably the most prominent (both Toreador).
I was also active on Twilight's Failing -- Felix Montbertrand (Ravnos) and Cheshire (staff).
I wish there was a way to get in contact with people from back then other than posting somewhere and just blindly hoping they'll wander past.
What were the games called after Bourbon and Blood?
SoI is still running?
@ThugHeaven said in Players from Bourbon and Blood, Shadows of Isildur:
SoI is still running?
Yes, though it's lucky to top 3 players being logged in at any given time, and that's including staff PCs.
Given the way SoI is designed, it makes the game pretty much unplayable.
I app'ed a character into SoI and they denied it because 'my character's hair was too long and would have taken too much time to groom for the time period.' so I just walked away.
Sounds about right.
I got denied once for making a male PC who was 6'1". If you want to be that tall, you have to spend RPP on a snowflake race. Normal people are capped at 5'10". (RPP are special points you earn in exchange for months and months of being a 'good RPer'.)
Well, 3 inches of height and some hair sounds critical. Especially if it was 5 feet of hair. Tolkien, in his grave, rolling.
@magee101 Ok but I have to ask: did you have ankle length hair, or something?
Which side was Ragash on?
@Kanye-Qwest It was waist length
@Tempest I never actually played there. Last I heard they let some guy create a player created clan and it all went down hill from there. And they were just starting out, so I never bothered.
Since my character died on Armageddon, I was curious about and other RPI options. Oh well, I guess I can go back to Arx now.
Yeah, that was a huge source of drama when the game 'rebooted' a while back now. (2 years? Idk.)
They had rather strict guidelines for what was 'acceptable' for people to app their characters in as when the game first started (mind you, this is the game where you could get denied for being 3 inches too tall or having hair that was too long), and they approved a couple of concept that were /way/ different than what the rest of the playerbase was told they had to play.
People weren't happy. Surprise.
SoI went very quickly from 40~ people on each night, down to 15~, and around that time, staff apparently decided the problem was that people could complain about stuff on the game's forums, so they completely shut those down (later to return with like, only the Announcement board enabled), and of course now the game is down to less than 5 people being logged on at any given time. (I personally find it very amusing when these games decide to axe player freedom of speech by doing stuff like shutting down forums or changing forum rules to remove stuff like a 'general discussion' board. I've seen it happen elsewhere, and it is always the death knell.)
The thing is, MUSHes and the like have the feature built into the actual game.
pub Hey StafferJoe, can we talk about this idea you're implementing? I'm not sure it's a good one.
RPIs/MUDs do not usually have OOC channels, certainly not global ones. And there is usually a borderline ridiculous level of IC/OOC separation. "Ugh, how dare you question me running this NPC a certain way. It is /IC/ that I used the NPC to murder your friend. You're not allowed to discuss this OOC at all. If you have a problem, handle it IC."
@Tempest Except your character would totally be dead at that point sooo have fun with your next character.
@ThugHeaven But that's my secret...I don't want to have fun.