Character description is full of win: " with thick brown curls that beg for a sea breeze to ruffle them".
That character description is a red flag all by itself.
@Roz Caerdroc, Dorian and Valerius to name 3 without looking hard. Though they could be bi.
@TNP Oh, yeah, I don't generally take "this character has expressed heterosexual tendencies" as the same as declaring "this character only experiences hetereosexual tendencies and nothing else."
There are definitely a few bisexual men on the grid.
@Cupcake said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
There are definitely a few bisexual men on the grid.
Yea I watched as two made out in the Murder of Crows... that was an amusing scene. Though they probably weren't bisexual and just did it to impress an elf.
@FiranSurvivor said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@Cupcake said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
There are definitely a few bisexual men on the grid.
Yea I watched as two made out in the Murder of Crows... that was an amusing scene. Though they probably weren't bisexual and just did it to impress an elf.
Lol I can tell you definitively that both of those characters are bisexual, although one more comfortable with it than the other.
People making out is probably not that impressive to a millennia old lunatic.
@Kanye-Qwest However, a millennia old lunatic is exactly who you want to keep happy when they instruct you to make out.
@Roz said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@FiranSurvivor said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@Cupcake said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
There are definitely a few bisexual men on the grid.
Yea I watched as two made out in the Murder of Crows... that was an amusing scene. Though they probably weren't bisexual and just did it to impress an elf.
Lol I can tell you definitively that both of those characters are bisexual, although one more comfortable with it than the other.
waggles brows
Who the shit is this Ravna guy?
Wow, I did not expect my makeouts to end up on the game ad thread for some reason. Am I that hot?
Millenia Lunatic has to rate it about a 2/10. Nothing personal!
I'm super disappointed.
Belatedly usually when I'm writing rosters I don't try to explicit anything about sexuality and leave that up to the player, but when I wrote Jasher I was just super enchanted with the idea of the gay Thrax paladin archetype just because the gender stuff in Thrax has the most room for ??? -- I'm glad you like him.
Character description is full of win: " with thick brown curls that beg for a sea breeze to ruffle them".
That character description is a red flag all by itself.
I dont think it hurts to give a hint or two. The nature of a roster system means that youll never know everything about a character at a glance, and sexual orientation can be a big deal for some players.
Regarding character sexual orientation, my take is that it's left vague on occasion for player interpretation. While there is a roster system, the character does actually feel like yours and depending on the stories you create, your character changes and grows over time. It's not like other roster games where if you played off sheet you were reprimanded or in jeopardy of losing the character.
@Deviante Jasher's maybe the only roster I've seen go up that's really explicit. (He likes men, he doesn't like women.) So I'd say it's vague almost all the time rather than on occasion. Some others do have explicit "this character did fall in love in their past so they are attracted to that gender" bits, but who knows how they feel about other genders, etc.
I know for Jasher the staff wanted it to be pretty explicit (since he was written with a firm sexuality instead of vague). They didn't want a potential player missing hints and then having the sexuality seem like a surprise once they got him and got a better look at the sheet. Which is fair.
I'm pretty okay with someone deciding where a roster character falls on the Kinsey scale as long as it doesn't invalidate past RP and makes sense in the overall context of the character's story. Not that big a deal to me.
One question about Arx's theme... how is homosexuality treated IC, in general? Is it acceptable? Frowned upon? Ostracized over? Castrated/hanged for?
@Arkandel Similar to how it's egalitarian about gender, it's totally egalitarian about sexuality. I don't even think there's regional differences there (like how Thrax still has sexism issues that everyone else has moved past). Of course, nobles are still going to be generally expected to marry where they're directed, which are going to be matches capable of producing babies. (Hopefully they can agree on a marital contract that allows both parties to seek sex outside the marriage.) But even same-sex marriage has come up as a topic a lot as a thing that's possible. (Commoners are often in the equivalent of common law marriages, so it doesn't make a difference at all, but I know staff has said that it might be wingable for certain nobles far enough away from importance/inheritance.)
Did the game just implode for anyone else?