Jan 31, 2017, 4:14 PM

So I've got two questions for y'all. They're both kinda weird but they have more to do with the game's culture than its rules.

  1. Do you swear IC? I want to go for a grittier tone that way but so far literally no one I've met has dropped a single F-bomb so far, and I don't want it to sound like a gimmick if I start doing it.

  2. Descriptions... this sounds weird to me but folks seem care a lot about their in-game gear being described, buying perfumes (which my understanding is does nothing but add special tidbits to their descriptions), etc. So do y'all look at each other more than in other games to catch these things? Usually I describe my character's 'default' clothes - briefly - in the @desc but customize accordingly in poses per scene, is that not a thing on Arx since there are tailors, etc around making an IC living from selling clothes?
