Wyrdathru's Playlist
Long time WORA/MU Soapbox lurker here, shedding some light on my past toons before engaging with the community:
Albel @ FiranMUX
Daranos @ FiranMUX
Dynn @ FiranMUX
Vyse @ FiranMUXErrand @ Drums in the Dark
Dimitar @ Drums in the DarkDevon @ Eternal Crusade MUSH
Talen @ ArxMUSH
Rook @ ArxMUSHEmyrion @ IthirMUSH
Dynn/Albel, my two most favourite characters on Firan. Ex-Demi/Nicola/Marsia here, now playing Sienna on Requiem for Kingsmouth.
What is drums in the dark?
@Sunny Drums in the Dark was a MUX that lived for a time a few years ago, though it's now offline.
It had some interesting ideas with relatively engaging theme, but the meta-plot didn't move and it fizzled out.
The wiki is still online here however, for what it's worth: http://ditd.wikidot.com/
Updated with Arx cred, innit.
@Wyrdathru Oh my, seems I encountered you in two places then! On Eternal Crusade, you played Devon, one of my char Elaine Volstak's brothers! And on Arx, I had a few scenes with you on Rook as the previous incarnation of Selene.
aw man this guy.
Drums was a prior @EUBanana project, same codebase as was used more recently for Dystopia (ie somewhat MUSH/MUD hybrid like Firan), but set in a vaguely middle eastern historical jungle colony. It was actually a pretty cool concept but didn't really last due to nicheness, I guess.
@bored said in Wyrdathru's Playlist:
Drums was a prior @EUBanana project, same codebase as was used more recently for Dystopia (ie somewhat MUSH/MUD hybrid like Firan), but set in a vaguely middle eastern historical jungle colony. It was actually a pretty cool concept but didn't really last due to everyone dying of Dengue fever.
Fixed that for you
I dunno, I figured the tropical diseases and cannibal pygmies were part of the appeal!
(* I don't know that there were actually any diseases, but there definitely were cannibal pygmies)
The picture you get googling Dengue fever is hilarious.
@Kanye-Qwest Ugh, that's 5 mosquitos too many.
My cousin lives in Delhi and she and her family got Dengue last year. It sounded pretty miserable, though they were super lucky and nobody got the most severe reaction (no bleeding). Her husband was bedridden for weeks with joint and muscle pain.
@bored hardly mine, that was Klindhh and I guess Narin, given it was all his original idea. Middle Eastern fantasy colony? Not me guv'nor!
Oh I forgot that one. It was a fun game.
@EUBanana Anarrrrchhyyyyyyyyyy?