@Shiggy Psssssst. @WTFE has lived in China for years and years and years.
RL Anger
@Shiggy ...tell us the one about how you can't stand hearing people tell the hispanic janitor at work how he is affected by discrimination again, Rick, please? That one always puts me right to sleep like all the bestest bedtime stories do.
@Shiggy said in RL Anger:
We practically
definedobliterated world culture since the end of the Second World War, fam. Just... saying.FTFY.
@Shiggy Very astute! It was a snarky comment. Yours was a tragically unimpressive meme image.
(You stopped being worth any actual argument when you trotted out the "I am the most persecuted of victims because I am a white male" shit again, and again, and again.)
Oh, wait. Is this Rick Sanchez again?
At least this one says different words than "newfag" and "-fag". I'm going to wipe away a tear of pride from my eye. Nice try on the tranny thing though.
I'm waiting for one of them to say "grody to the max." Why don't you kids ever pick up the actual fun terms for your hipster armchair edgelordiness?
@WTFE I'd bet on it at this point. He cannot stop himself from talking about how he's the most persecuted of all God's creatures because he's a white straight male.
Indeed, I do not know how he survives a day on the street; maybe if he invests in a rainbow burkha and fake tits he'll be able to survive without being murdered to death by the rampaging mob.
@Shiggy Psssssst. @WTFE has lived in China for years and years and years.
Aw, it's so cute when it makes assumptions. Look at that adorable confused face now!
@surreality said in RL Anger:
@Shiggy Psssssst. @WTFE has lived in China for years and years and years.
Probably longer than Rick has been alive, I'm guessing.
@WTFE He really is living proof of what goes wrong with those trophies for participation, you know? He's due things, now, just because.
That 'Report post for moderation' button is getting a lot of exercise.
@Shiggy Here, have this spare tube of gynecort. It really does help, I swear.
It's cute how you think anyone's even bothering to argue with you at this point.
(This is only true because I actually have enough vodka to participate in the drinking game along with the rest of the forum on hand, for once.)
Helpful reminder for those who have forgotten: the little eye symbol beside someone's name ignores people (and actually works, this version!).
I wanted to get in enough reports.
I don't care about the argument. I haven't even been following it. I'm just tired of the manchild drool getting all over the floor.
@Shiggy I'm utterly aware of how pathetic I find you. First, you assume @WTFE lives in Canada, and now, that I'm on public assistance of some kind... after mentioning my husband and I pay insurance through his employer and thus do not get any subsidies this very day.
...what was that about reading comprehension again?
I'm not bothering to argue with you. I am having fun mocking you. You're the only one who thinks there's an argument to bother having here, it would seem. In the wrong forum for those, and the wrong thread, and... well, yep, between the 'rustling jimmies' and the 'NEET', you definitely outed yourself as Rick again. HI HI. Wanna wish another rape on me again so I learn how to properly respect the big strong superior white straight males like you this time?
@Shiggy ...which is the other classic Rick argument. BINGO!
What's public dignity?
@Shiggy There's a simple fix for that one: stop trolling the forum, Rick. The drinking game is probably older than you are, too.
(Oh, gods, people. The WORA drinking game actually is old enough to vote now.)
Oh, it's so cute when it puffs up its feathers like it's a big, mean, ol' bird. Can we keep it Mom!?