May 2, 2017, 3:50 AM

@Seamus said in Classic World of Darkness:


One of my instincts was to make it like two or three cities (not geographically connected) and have each sphere have their own city. That way things would progress only for the city but also offering mutlisphere.

I have a lot to think on, but I was really just putting out feelers to see what the interest level might be. I am not saying I am or am not going through the process to make a game, but it is food for thought.

Hey, whatever you do, man, I hope you knock it out of the park. Making a game is hard, and I think one of the toughest things when making a game is finding a good balance between your own gut feeling/desires with the game AND the opinions/wants of other people/potential players. For all it is worth, if you need help setting up a wiki, I can help you with that.

I like the idea of the three cities, btw, if you do it more or less like a comic book sort of thing: rare events that cross over, but mostly everyone sticks to their own side of the game. If you have people that know what they are doing with each Sphere, you could have a real gem in your hands.

I am a Werewolf the Apocalypse and Vampire the Masquerade fanatic. I would love to see this project off the ground, and hope you go for all speed ahead! If you need opinions or ideas (of dubious usefulness), poke me!

Add-on #1: I have noticed that Old WoD games tend to try catering to all oWoD fans and making a nightmarish, jumbled melting pot of EVERYTHING that really only makes the game not feel at all like the settings they are based on (unless you are making a Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand game! Yeah, I went there). I think, and I have no concrete proof of this, that if you pick a Sphere, build a cohesive atmosphere with it, make it a good game, people who don't play oWoD will also play it. We are all writers and creative people, and a lot of us are just looking for a game that feels special to really pour some hours into.

Add-on #2: Make Salubri and/or Salubri antitribu available.

Add-on #3: Don't listen to her! She is just a stupid fangirl! Make the game you want!

Add-on #4: Srsly, tho. Salubri are the best.