The game continues to slowly grow and has seen an influx of new players in the last few days. Some important positions are still available that staff would love to see filled:
Tier 1 Positions Open:
Now all filled (sorry).
Tier 2 Positions:
Warden: Protector/steward of the lands of Kidare; reports to Court Garrison.
Intendant: Organizes entertainment for the court, music, theatre, or otherwise - no troupe, act, fool, performing bard gets in without going through the Intendant, reports to the Kapelmaster
Heralds: (2 positions): bards/fili/scribes, responsible to organize, announce and referee the contestants at a tournament (not during the contest); reports to the Kapelmaster
Priests: (2 positions): Layleaders under the Bishop of Colmac, these priests operate in the court itself for Christians, performing services/mass
Ovates: (2 positions): Layleaders under the Fili of Court, performs direct services for household members and staff of the Celtic pagan faith
Along with the above, there are a wealth of other positions which are the backbone of RP at Court.
Plots are running, including the alleged sighting of a river monster which will be kicking off the early part of next week, and the gathering of forces to the north of Kidare as Ulster bid to take the city of Artri. Men have just been mustered and are leaving to reinforce Artri n preparation for battles which will span the next couple of weeks.
Staff and players are helpful and responsive, so if the above piques an interest, drop on by for a chat.
connect at: : 1106
Edited to add: Staff are working on a political/economics system which will be introduced once thrashed out fully. It'll place more focus on the Septs as crop failures and morale (amongst other things) become very real threats to success in the game.
Edited again to add: As of just now, the Fili position and the Marshal are both pending apps.