@Arkandel said in Good TV:
@Bobotron I love the Magicians! So you'd recommend Young Justice? I've been looking for something to binge watch.
Young Justice is the absolutely shit.
@Bobotron said in Good TV:
The Netflix Castlevania series was epic, but WAAAAY too short. I almost wouldn't call it an anime, just an american cartoon with anime stylings. But it was good. Good adaptation of the first chunk of Castlevania 3.
Finished Young Justice. Holy hell, it was awesome.
Started watching The Magicians. This is the weirdest shit I've ever seen.
The Magicians is cool. I wouldn't call it the weirdest, but it does go places other people might call 'rather tacky', rofl.
I am one episode away from the end of Castlevania and it just feels to me like a long, drawn out prologue. Like, I don't... I wouldn't consider it something whole, at this point. Almost like the very first two episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist which were like In Media Res (story-wise) and were a short, almost self-contained story.
Anyway. I watched all of Burn Notice recently and am now past the halfway mark on the second season of Fringe.
Fringe was so good, y'all.