Jul 14, 2017, 1:35 AM

New thread, because I didn't want to hijack @Seamus's. Okay, and I didn't want this getting buried at the end of that thread. Sue me. Or merge the threads. Whatever.

I've had an idea rolling around in my head of making a single(ish) sphere oWoD game. I know, I know, but I really enjoy oWoD, I don't much care for multisphere (and can't run it all by my lonesome anyway), and in any case, the only active place for oWoD at the moment is City of Hope. Which I do play at, actually, but I'm sure we're all aware of its many issues.

I haven't decided exactly which sphere yet, but I have some candidates, neither of which have historically been very popular. Which is why I'm posting this - I want to know if any of my ideas are of any interest to anyone but me.

Whatever the setting, the game would:

  • Not be a sandbox. PRPs are fine (not that anyone ever seems to run the things), but I'd be running plots as staff, including larger, overarching ones. And even PRPs should be allowed to affect the wider game world.
  • Have a cohesive theme and focus.
  • Have open, fairly simple CG. I'd require a short background/concept explanation, but that's more of a sanity check than anything. You want to write more, great, I'll mine it for plot ideas to throw at you, but 2-4 sentences is usually sufficient to weed out the really crazy shit.
  • Probably operate a little like an online TT, with regularly scheduled plot one or two nights a week.
  • Eliminate as many OOC hoops as possible. This means automating whatever can be, and not doing things like requiring justifications for XP spends. I'd rather manage game power levels through house rules about how much of what you can buy.
  • Not necessarily use the oWoD canon for splats that aren't playable. Sure, there are werewolves out there, but are they Garou? Probably not.

And now, the two ideas:

1. New York by Neon - V20 Sabbat (vampire and revenant) in 1980s NYC

Grit, glamour, and decadence: 1980s NYC is a playground for the Sabbat. This game would focus on intrasect struggles. Ferret out infernalists, compete with other packs for territory and resources, try not to get screwed over too badly by elders, and maybe indulge in a bit of the ol' ultraviolence in the process. I'd also like to actively give revenants plots of their own.

2. Apocrypha - Demon and some sorcerer in the modern world

Demons and occultists go together like peanut butter and jelly. And sorcerers are nothing to sneeze at, power wise, so they're not going to get totally overshadowed by the demons. The focus of this game would be digging up buried secrets, researching the past, trying to find magic artifacts, etc. Honestly, there are parts of a few other gamelines that would work brilliantly for this (Nosferatu, Hermetics, etc.), but I'd have to rip out the rest of the gamelines in question, and I'm hesitant to do that. I mean, does anybody really want to play "Mage, except there are no Traditions and no Technocracy, all the themes about blazing a new path into the future are missing, and you can only play a Hermetic style character"? As for where to set it, I've not decided. London or Chicago would be good conventional choices, but I'm actually leaning a bit towards St. Louis. Why? Because there's an honest-to-God mysterious lost civilization right across the river.

So, any takers? Am I the only one who'd enjoy either of these options?