@Arkandel Presently I am judging it both on what it is, and what it can be. The can be part is going to find itself less and less important as we go forward, though. There's only so long that can be an effective lure.
I will say that while there is always going to be a level of OOC in political games, I'm not sure exactly how much of it there is. From the outside people have a tendency to ascribe a ton of ulterior motivation for things because they don't see the roleplay behind it. I've in the past been accused of OOC collusion with people my character was actively trying to destroy. And I've also found myself squinting suspiciously at other people, but without evidence I tell myself that all I'm doing is spoiling my own fun. It usually works.
Now I'm not a head of house/voice, so admittedly I'm not that thick into the political side of things. My character just doesn't care enough. Which was part of his appeal when I picked him, since I didn't know if I'd have anything close to the time on hand I'd feel obliged to spend if I was in charge. Plot seems to be building everywhere, though. The other day I encouraged 2 members of my org to try investigating, and funded their efforts, so they'd get a piece of it.
I look forward to the dominion system coming online. I'm not sure how much of that will even be applied while there's massive plot threats on the horizon driving unity. Politics sort of fade into the background during crises, they need a bit of breathing room to happen.
If I've noticed something, it is the amusing irony of all the silver of all the orgs in the game seem to be flowing into the crafters. These commoners who are making bank beyond any noble. Since there's no actual competition or pressures on them, or costs, they're probably gonna own everything soon.