World of Warcraft: Legion
I would suggest (and not just for the Beta, but really, anyone going into Legion) that if you are a high level character that you don't change your spec until after you get back to Stormwind or Orgrimmar. Don't set up any addons, or really do anything that will make you miss out. The waves WILL go on without you and you will miss a lot of neat story.
I say this even for the beta because, while I know people don't want to be spoiled, it changes enough that if you put things the way you used to know them, you're just going to be confused at the start.
No idea if this is for starting characters, or just high level / returning characters though.
Also, I can't stress it enough, be careful swooping.
Hot damn, but does Blizzard so some pretty cinematics. Never thought I would be doing the queue dance again though.
The new animations make the game feel much much better honestly, Warrior actually looks good kicking ass now.
Yesterday was a mixed bag for me.
On one hand.. the awesomeness of global transmogs! I spent like an hour retooling my characters a bit (with way more of the same to come, I might actually go out and farm more old raids now) just because I could. I'm also quite fond of the reduced toolsets per spec, some classes were getting noticeably heavier on the micromanagement side even with Weakauras to point out what had to be maintained.
On the other hand, where did my Mistweaver's mana go?
I'm leveling a new one for da Horde (97-98 last night) and doing PUGs was a nightmare. Randoms do stupid things, they step in bad - monks aren't too bad at healing on the go but they aren't the best either - and then I had to burst-heal which just burned through my mana pool like no one's business... I went through 8-9 waters in one Skyreach which is insane, the day before I was doing the same instance without going under 60% mana once.
I'll try queuing as a Brewmaster tonight. Monk tanks are very skill based, speaking as a healer a good one is nearly impossible to kill but a bad one is basically a rogue trying to tank... and I don't wanna be the latter for some hapless person just trying to keep up with me.
Oh, and there were apparently some glitches here and there. Minor things no one would notice, such as this:
@Arkandel Take an upvote for making me laugh. XD
I would have put in a to have my name changed to Pinocho if that had happened to me. (Disney version, not the original).
Speaking of original versions of things, when the hell did my voidwalker get abs? I remember when he was just a blob without even a blob for a shadow!
@Insomnia Apparently before a server reboot (I was at work and didn't experience it) people could transmog their weapons into shoulder pieces (!) and the such.
Then again having seen the size of those shoulders, I'd think they'd make for some excellent bludgeon weaponry - some of them can be pretty stabby, too.
Possibly NSFW - so this happened yesterday as well before they rushed to bring the servers down.
I won't put the image inline here as it's conceivably NSFW.
WoW has come a long way since that dwarf in the Deeprun Tram.
@Misadventure is being of typical LITTLE HELP in my quest to figure out which healer to run as a main for RBGs. I am leaning towards Druid though.
Roleplaying on WoW on the largest RP server in North America - Moon Guard!
"Dicks out for Varian!"
Not legion, but return to Karazhan! Squee!
If you have characters to level now is the time!
Invasions give insane XP if you participate. Now that credit is shared for mobs there's no contest... just remember a few things:
Get in a vehicle, it's going to save you a lot on repair bills... and you get to AoE tag, which some classes can't do at lower levels.
It's phases 1-2 which yield the more XP/hour by a fair bit.
If you want gear at 100, save your chests and open them when you ding max (pre-Legion) level since that's when their contents are determined.
Don't waste time traveling (especially before you have flying/flight paths). Either join a looking-for-group group to let them phase you into where you already are, or log out after phase 2 to re-start the event.
I was getting a level every about 5-7 minutes with just heirlooms pre-60 so... it's pretty decent.
Happy hunting!
And do it on a PvE server. The guards might be green to you opposite faction, but the players aren't.
And if you do Invasion shit on a PvP server just hang out on a flying mount somewhere where the counter kicks in. You'll still get credit but will be out of range of anyone on the other faction. Also, do not AOE if you decide to get in on the fight. You WILL hit all of the other faction in range and you will get slaughtered.
@Apu If you just AFK the invasion then the XP is dramatically cut, though. Those big elites are giving me 40k XP each once tagged at 66ish.
Hmm. There might be ways around that, like moving around, but not sure if that'd count as not being AFK or if you actually have to engage in combat.
The waves have a value for being present, AFK or not. The Legion are made of XP, which shows just how foolish they are. For instance the server had some issue logging me out two nights ago, so I got all the chests as that zone renewed every 2-4 hours.