@too-old-for-this said in General Video Game Thread:
Hell, I was more suspicious when Disney acquired Marvel, Fox, and a chunk of Sony within a span of like... 6 years.
And Star Wars
@too-old-for-this said in General Video Game Thread:
Hell, I was more suspicious when Disney acquired Marvel, Fox, and a chunk of Sony within a span of like... 6 years.
And Star Wars
@betternow And Star Wars. And ABC. And Photobucket. And GoPRO. And Hollyood Records. It's getting scary.
What I am really hoping the Microsoft acquisition of Blizzard will do - aside from actually helping the toxicity in their working environment, which they almost certainly will, since it also helps them do 'reset' most of its management without the controversy of firing them - is actually address the overall way the games themselves are set up.
For example World of Warcraft has been relying on long, long grinds to stretch out content and prolong subscriptions. Repetitive quests that need to be done (often from scratch on alts) to gain access to essential part of your characters' abilities have long been a staple of how things are done.
If they fold subscriptions into Game Pass it is possible they will rely instead on the game's own merit, and the fact your money is going toward the overall content instead of only WoW.
And that would be lovely.
(Double post, ohno)
I went back to WoW. If anyone on the Horde side is doing Mythic+ and wants to group up I'm online most evenings. Feel free to reach out to become Battle.Net buddies!
@arkandel Backslider...!
Blizzard's newest post on fixing their culture issues.
@arkandel said in General Video Game Thread:
Blizzard's newest post on fixing their culture issues.
As someone who helps prepare press releases now, I can tell you that this is typical non-committal drivel.
Example: We tripled the size of our compliance and investigation teams and have articulated clear accountability for unacceptable behavior. This applies to all employees at Blizzard, including leadership and management.
Here's something to think about:
And so on.
@ganymede No different than a MUSH's rules, really. After all, what is a MUSH but a video game?
I'm annoyed at myself about the way I allow myself to think of gaming if I'm not being careful.
For example I was reading a thread about which class people plan on playing in WoW's next patch. However some of the posts were like "I always play warriors!" or "I'm gonna play a shaman because I like throwing lightning bolts!" and that annoyed me. Those are not quantifiable reasons, dammit, where are the logs showing that those specs are competitive? Are their new set tier bonuses powerful?
And then I remember. Oh, it's a game. Right. These people are basically saying they're having fun and I didn't think it was a good enough reason.
@derp They just announced Alan Wake 2 and another control game. So excited to see them tie together more than just one DLC!
@carma said in General Video Game Thread:
@derp I enjoyed Alan Wake for a couple hours, but then it lost me.
***Just some gripes***
click to showSomehow, despite my love for horror novels, I don't think I was the targeted demographic for that game. And that saddens me.
Well -- I mean, granted, I'm not all the way through it, but:
***Spoilery Spoiler Stuff***
If you like games of trading, similar to Tradewinds or Port Royale
Games where you can build really satisfying production lines
Games with beautiful stories and a truly whimsical world
Then I cannot recommend Merchant of the Skies enough. I've played the campaign mode twice from start to finish in the last couple of weeks, which isn't common for me.
Steam link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1040070/Merchant_of_the_Skies/
Is anyone playing Crusader Kings 3?
It's on sale on Steam for $38ish but the Royal Edition is up for double that.
Is the full pack worth it?