Apr 4, 2019, 12:37 AM

@Sparks You know what, that's fair. I have gone back on forth over the years on whether or not Inquisition was good. It really only becomes good when you add the ending to Trespasser, which ideally should've been the ending to the main game. I suppose I should take back that it's a bad game. It just doesn't hold up in regards to the first two. The first two being in that it had a stronger plot, stronger script, better fleshed out companions. In my numerous retrospections, I would say Inquisition is a game that underperforms, but is not inherently a bad game.

However, I will take my own opinion with a grain of salt because I'm a die hard defender of Mass Effect 1 and I'm under no illusions what a mess in terms of controls, combat, UI, and camera control that game is.

The reality is, to me at least, is that BioWare's quality started to go down the moment they were forcibly married to using Frostbite. Their last three games; Inquisition, Andromeda, and Anthem have either been subpar or average at best or a mess at worst. Internal BioWare struggles aside, I'd say developers working with that engine(or at least the ones not apart of DICE)are simply working with something that was never made, never mind designed to make the games being put on it. That, to me, is one of the biggest culprits to BioWare's falling quality. Not the only one, no, but one of the bigger ones, at least.