First raid in Battle of Azeroth scheduled for tonight!
I'm pretty primed for it, and although I prefer mythic+ dungeons (or large group PvP), the first raid in a new expansion is always special.
First raid in Battle of Azeroth scheduled for tonight!
I'm pretty primed for it, and although I prefer mythic+ dungeons (or large group PvP), the first raid in a new expansion is always special.
I'm really enjoying raiding so far, and my guild is fun! Some of the mythic+ dungeons have very interesting mechanics, and are more than just a twitch reflexes race against time. Freakin' Overseer Korgus!
... But dammit Blizzard, what is with the Azerite system? Obviously MMOs need their treadmills but getting massive upgrades to your existing items which actually set you back until you grind your ass off just so you can regain the same armor traits you had before is... not the best idea ever.
Mariko: Hot Nightlife
Since you wish for Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth
OH COME ON, STEAM. What is it about "Pillars of the Earth" that makes you think I want all the cheap anime games?!
... If it's anything it should be my interest in the "Fault" series. C'mon, Steam, get it right.
@thenomain Steam is still better for suggestions for me than Netflix is.
Really? So far Netflix has gotten me far more reliable suggestions. Maybe I’m secretly a weeaboo and just don’t know it.
@thenomain Oh yeah. I've gotten things like since you watched Brooklyn 99, you might like Human Centipede, and How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, might like Stranger Things. Off the top of my head.
Started playing Chrono Trigger.
That is to say, I started to play Chrono Trigger with whatever they wish to call the noise coming out of my headphones, off to the side where I can vaguely hear it only, and swearing that the "wait" combat style is not actually waiting.
I can see why there's a lot of frustration about this port. This is a good game. This deserves a proper treatment.
The Final Fantasy VI port is much better.
@ganymede said in General Video Game Thread:
The Final Fantasy VI port is much better.
The day I read that you could kill off the protagonist of Chrono Trigger and still complete the game was the day I decided: I Would Play This Game. I might even kill off the protagonist just for fun.
I started FF7 once and kind of got bored before the end of the intro cinematic. Maybe I need to give it an actual chance.
I finished what I'll call the "intro adventure" to CT and yeah, I'm hooked. Hooked in spite of the janky, terrible port.
I'm sure I could find the ROM somewhere, mind. Now that I paid for this crap port I won't feel a moment's guilt.
I can play Final Fantasy VI on my iPhone. That's why I like it.
Plus, and I suppose this is a spoiler, but you fucking lose.
Fucking. Lose.
Like, you don't win. You only get revenge.
Also, stay on the floating continent as long as possible. You'll thank me later.
Ff6 is the best game. Just don't jump
Have you never played CT before? Wow. YEah, you will want to complete the game many different ways. Thee's 13 different endings.
@thenomain Just make sure if you are going for the original, and not another port you get a SNES rom rather than the Playstation one as it is a port with a few anime cutscenes. They did say they were doing a patch where people could turn off the mobile controls though.
Or just get the DS version which has all the cutscenes and extended content, and has standard SNES controls.
@bobotron said in General Video Game Thread:
Or just get the DS version which has all the cutscenes and extended content, and has standard SNES controls.
This was what I’ll be trying, once I saw it and a description of the port. A++, thanks to everyone for input in these trying times.
Chrono Trigger is probably my third favorite SNES RPG (after FFVI and FFFIV), so you're in for a fun time. It's worth having a couple of different saves so you can test out the various endings without having to New Game+. I hope you enjoy!
@thenomain I think my Amazon just won the whole bad suggestions thing: Because I searched for Starship Troopers video game (The shooter, not the other one), Amazon suggested Cards Against Humanity Green, and Red boxes.
So been playing the Spider-Man game on PS4 and it's real good. Combat is fast, moving around Manhattan is cool, and the story stuff seems interesting, at least for someone who has a cursory knowledge of Spider-Man stuff. The one down side is some of the side content is downright repetitive, so I do kind of give it a few knocks against it for that.
@rucket said in General Video Game Thread:
So been playing the Spider-Man game on PS4 and it's real good. Combat is fast, moving around Manhattan is cool, and the story stuff seems interesting, at least for someone who has a cursory knowledge of Spider-Man stuff. The one down side is some of the side content is downright repetitive, so I do kind of give it a few knocks against it for that.
To combat the repetitive side missions, I've been trying a different tactic.
I get really, really stoned.
Joke(kind of) aside, I'm loving this game. Web swinging around NYC is always fun. Relaxing like a zen garden. With punching and witty dialogue.
Edit: the fuck is a smart garden?