@royal said in General Video Game Thread:
And Mercy is the true MVP, @Faceless . Don't lie to yourself.
C'mon, son. Don't kid yourself. Shield down? Can rocket away fast. By time catch up, Ivan. Shield recharge.
Reinhardt always win.
@royal said in General Video Game Thread:
And Mercy is the true MVP, @Faceless . Don't lie to yourself.
C'mon, son. Don't kid yourself. Shield down? Can rocket away fast. By time catch up, Ivan. Shield recharge.
Reinhardt always win.
@auspice But look at the fun and how bobbly his head is!
I want to play They are Billions but am not in a good money place.
Finally caught Overwatch on sale.
Oxenfree is only $5 right now and @Misadventure was kind enough to gift it to me. I've been wanting to play it for a while and it has not disappointed. I played it for 7 hours off and on today while I did chores and I've peeled myself away.... an hour after I'd usually have made my way towards bed.
It's really, really good. The story/gameplay (in how you interact with characters and solve puzzles) reminds me of Life is Strange, but more platformer style visually. It's also delightfully creepy and just enough horror elements to not be too much for night time play.
For all the friends I have on Steam, I'm sad only a few own/have played it. @Insomnia has at least!
@auspice It's true! It's one of the few games I've gotten perfect on. >.>
I'm glad it's on sale though! More peopel should grab it now if they missed it when it was free. <.<
Seriously though, it reminds me of a movie Disney did back when they actually did movies that scared kids: Watcher in the woods.
Worth a replay if you don't normally do that sort of thing. hint hint
@auspice Bought it. Thanks for the suggestion.
And hey, five bucks is five bucks.
@insomnia said in General Video Game Thread:
It's one of the few games I've gotten perfect on. >.>
I feel like I've prob. missed an anomaly or two, but I don't wanna look online to see if I have. Augh!
Do you like card games? Do you like roguelikes?
Slay the Spire is an Early Access game on Steam right now for about $15 that fits both of these categories. Unlike many EA games, and I am often one to say do not buy Early Access games: it is polished, has a lot of content, and is addictive and fun. And the price point is spot on.
So for those interested in these kinds of games I wanted to highlight this hidden EA gem.
@auspice I wouldn't worry about it too much. To get all the achievements you have to play through multiple times.
@insomnia said in General Video Game Thread:
@auspice I wouldn't worry about it too much. To get all the achievements you have to play through multiple times.
I figured! I'll let it sit a bit, then go back and play through again. Let myself forget it a bit so I'm no bored on play #2.
@auspice They've added a New Game + mode, while samey it is different enough that I wouldn't wait too long, so you notice the differences.
So I have been trying Elite: Dangerous, using a Vive. It is ridiculously immersive but also not ideal for keyboard and mouse.
'Press the Home Key!' I blindly fumble finger random buttons, put my spaceship into 'silent running' mode without realizing, it overheats, thrusters break, I spin uncontrollably into an asteroid and explode.
@packrat said in General Video Game Thread:
So I have been trying Elite: Dangerous, using a Vive. It is ridiculously immersive but also not ideal for keyboard and mouse.
'Press the Home Key!' I blindly fumble finger random buttons, put my spaceship into 'silent running' mode without realizing, it overheats, thrusters break, I spin uncontrollably into an asteroid and explode.
E:D is bad for keyboard/mouse in general, IMO. I like it with my XBOne controller, but I reeeeally want a Saitek X52 HOTAS. That's like, the prime one recommended. But with my XBOne, I almost never have to touch my keyboard at all. So you might wanna invest in one. With a bit of custom tweaking to the schema and an AI (https://www.hcsvoicepacks.com/ I use ASTRA, but they have ones voiced by Leonoard Nimoy, Brian Blessed, and more), you never need the keyboard.
You really need to do a lot of adjustments if you want to use KB/M. But you are better off getting a dual flight stick set up and mix that with your KB/M usage. And as Auspice pointed out there are voice command options that you can get, which make things a lot easier and quite a bit of fun.
@jaded said in General Video Game Thread:
You really need to do a lot of adjustments if you want to use KB/M. But you are better off getting a dual flight stick set up and mix that with your KB/M usage. And as Auspice pointed out there are voice command options that you can get, which make things a lot easier and quite a bit of fun.
@auspice My is a british voice actor. She giggles when I blow stuff up.
@jaded said in General Video Game Thread:
@auspice My is a british voice actor. She giggles when I blow stuff up.
If it's by the same company, I'm assuming KATE?
@auspice Yes!