Dec 17, 2020, 5:22 PM

I'm still playing CP77 and I'm having a blast. Yes, I'm on a very good PC so my experience is better than most.

Are there bugs? Sure. But overall, they are minor. I think some people and reviewers I've read are overly harsh about the problems in the game, especially on day one releases. (That's the extra polite version of my thoughts on a lot of the negative reviews.) No one releases a bug free product day one. Patches are always a thing. The scale of the game itself is quite an accomplishment. You can travel from one end of the city limits to the other without a loading screen, then there's the vertical integration. Out of all of that, some people expect flawlessness of each and every object and encounter that exists within that for some reason.

Tech is not magic. It can be amazing. But sometimes things go wrong. It is a big theme of the genre and the game itself, ironically.

I highly recommend it as a game in general. If you like the genre, it is a definite get. Yes, sometimes you won't be able to pick up an item or two, yet. You could wait until they release a few more patches to dive in, but I think the extensive world and storylines and gameplay more than make up for a few release glitches especially if you consider the amount of code that goes into a game of this scale versus the amount of code that is glitched.

If you want to ignore the glitches and enjoy the game, you will. If you want to focus on glitches and be annoyed, you will.