@thenomain If you like mediums, try and get a couple Dragons or Catapults, they feel like mediums if you give them jump jets. Dragons especially cuz they are 5/8 movers and fasssst. I love Wolverine's they are my favorite medium hands down, fast, good armor, solid loadout flexibility, Griffon's too can be very good. I did a 3 skull with 4 griffons that put me up against 3 grasshoppers and a dragon. I lost one of the griffons (had to eject the mechwarrior) but overall, won the fight.
Stock mechs have generally less armor than max, so /always/ max your armor or close to it, it helps a lot.
Other thing is take one heavy like a thunderbolt or a jaeger and max it's armor, walk it forwards and use brace all the time so it can absorb stupid amounts of punishment and allow you to focus down other mechs.
There's a lot of different tactics.