I don't much play JRPGs anymore, but I have a certain fondness for the Yakuza series. Just because they're both equally off-the-wall zany and ridiculous while also being well-written and serious when it wants to be.
I say that as a precursor to the fact that I picked up Fight of the North Star: Lost Paradise. It's more or less Yakuza with a Fist of the North Star skin pulled over it. If I didn't think that Yakuza could get better, there's something about the 80s anime apocalypse veneer that takes silliness to a certain new height that I cannot help but appreciate.
This game may go under the radar of a lot of people, but I'm advising if you enjoy a game that can take it seriously while at same time not at all, you may get a kick out of it like I have.
If you give me a game where Kenshiro mixes drinks with the same intensity that he explodes bandit's heads, this is a game I cannot help but love.