@insomnia I just don't know if tic-tac-toe counts as a video game!
General Video Game Thread
@insomnia I just don't know if tic-tac-toe counts as a video game!
@arkandel How about a nice game of chess?
Isn't that how you can win one of the Far Cry games?
@derp I think you have a pretty kinky idea of hug. >.>
12 fucking hours! And I will be at work!
@lithium Four hours now!
But I am at home, with a mug of tea, with the week free from work. The weather is even foul so I have every excuse not to go outside!
Plus the fridge is stocked with real ale.
@packrat 5 Minutes!
@lithium I am now several hours into the campaign, yes, this game is pretty great.
That said I managed to get my Shadowhawk knocked over by SRM tanks then cored out leading to two months of refit and repair along with the pilot being in Space Hospital for three months. Ooops.
Yeah I'm really enjoying the game so far. I have learned that if you want more mech salvage from the battlefield, melee the shit out of them. -
One thing that I have noticed? It is 1 salvage piece if you core out a center torso, 2 salvage pieces if you break off the legs, 3 pieces if the mech was incapacitated thanks to the pilot being knocked out.
So if you blow both side torsos off a mech then break a leg causing it to fall over and knock out the pilot? That gets you 3 pieces of salvage. Slightly odd.
I am enjoying the game a lot, it does have a big bad memory bleed in it so I had to exit out and restart it but otherwise, it is a lot of fun. The story is pretty traditional battletech but that is absolutely fine for me. I am enjoying customizing my /three/ ShadowHawk's so they don't suck. How do you do this, you ask? 3 Machine Guns, a Large Laser, and an SRM-6 or an LRM-10.
I like how a Centurion is actually a /good/ mech, was kind of disappointed I didn't get my first heavy kill, but that's ok. Can't wait to get into the bigger stuff!
It is both frosty and punky.
Mind you, if the world went to a sudden frigid state, I'm not sure I would travel north from Victorian England.
This is a roguelike/random event system done right. 13 days in (2 1/2 hours of play or so) and I'm surprised I didn't kill absolutely everyone considering I didn't notice where all the research options were. And yes your kids have to work and you'll like it when we can heat your frickin' home for once.
I built a first aid tent! Hurrah!
People want me to feed the kids more. Dammit.
I give people more time off for the inevitable funerals! Hurrah!
I just ran out of nearby coal! Dammit.
I found survivors! Hurrah!
I...now need to find them places to live. Dammit.
And feed them. Dammit.
And heat the increasing number of medical tents. Dammit!
And the increasing number of research stations. Dammit!Frostpunk is a very good mood manipulator. A+.
My opinion of Battletech:
Tread lightly if you aren't a MechWarrior/Battletech fan. As a relative newcomer, I have had some issues learning exactly what all the fiddly little numbers are and what they do.
However, the more I learn about it, the more I love the customization. It's really my own fault if I build a bad mech and I love the whole rolling for salvage thing. It really adds makes it feel like you're building a hodge podge little mercenary army.
I'd say buy it if you're willing to sink your teeth in and learn how things work. It's worth it.
So Gany and I agree pretty much that tabletop Shadowhawk's suck. But right now I'm rolling across the battlefield with a Shadowhawk that has 1 Medium Laser, 2 SRM6s, and 1 SRM2; with max armor and 5 jump jets. This thing has tanked my early game like no body's business and one shots any light mech and some mediums, that jump in its path. And when it doesn't a swift punch to the face puts them down.Also. Sensor Lock might be kind of OP.
BTW, if anyone is still playing FC5: You don't have to do everything before the game ends, you can finish things off after either ending; one ending sends you back to a point before the ending so you can see the second, and after that one you can go back and do even story missions.
@insomnia That didn't used to be the case. They must have patched it. I'm still sore I beat the game and whenever I tried to continue it just rolled the credits.
@jaded said in General Video Game Thread:
So Gany and I agree pretty much that tabletop Shadowhawk's suck. But right now I'm rolling across the battlefield with a Shadowhawk that has 1 Medium Laser, 2 SRM6s, and 1 SRM2; with max armor and 5 jump jets. This thing has tanked my early game like no body's business and one shots any light mech and some mediums, that jump in its path. And when it doesn't a swift punch to the face puts them down.
A 55-ton 'Mech, which the Shadow Hawk is, is at the top of the medium 'Mech tier. You should be able to dick-punch a Locust hard and blast the shit out of a Jenner while taking its blasts.
Your version, though, would probably get hosed by a Griffin. PPCs and LRM-10s hurt, even if you have 9.5 tons of armor, and the Griffin is just as fast and mobile. That said, you will probably have a toe-to-toe slugfest with a Wolverine too, but my money is on your Shadow Hawk, if you can control your heat.
I don't think my laptop can handle the game, but I'm really dying to get into it. I've heard nothing but good things from my old high school pals and cousins with whom I played the old version with.