@derp Alas, we didn't have the camera at an angle to show her swiping things. She hid INSIDE the hallway while she did everything else, and we don't have a camera on the front door (working on it). I spoke to my brother (a cop) and he told me there wouldn't be anything the cop could really do.
Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@derp Alas, we didn't have the camera at an angle to show her swiping things. She hid INSIDE the hallway while she did everything else, and we don't have a camera on the front door (working on it). I spoke to my brother (a cop) and he told me there wouldn't be anything the cop could really do.
Husband and I had a very frank conversation about cleaning. I sat down and made a list of everything that needs to be done in every room for our de-ringworm-ing regimne. It was very eye-opening for him as he realized how different my version of "clean" and his version of "clean" was. We both decided doing the whole house every day to that level was unrealistic, and so we split the house into three parts and every day work together to clean it. The first one was hefty because we'd mostly just picked up clutter, but ever since the cleaning has been about 30 minutes.
To his ABSOLUTE CREDIT he has embraced what we need to do. About half the time he decides when we'll start cleaning and I'm ALL FOR this. It has taken a huge emotional burden of feeling like a nag off of my shoulders.
In this way ringworm has been a huge and wonderful thing in my marriage.
Now... if he could please find the go-get-it spirit at a time earlier than when I sit down to RP... cuz I'm not going to say "but RP" since I WANT him to keep taking the first step. So every single time I've said "welp, guess I'll be late!" and gone to clean.
I don't think I play with you anywhere but if it's 30 minutes for something important? Whatever. Everyone has my blanket permission to do this always.
Same. Of course I largely play in an async/slow format anyhow so somebody needing to pause for 30 minutes is hardly an issue. But always, either way, real life comes first.
My rheumatologist is the nicest guy. He actually WANTS my opinion and input on my treatment. He actually CARES.
But I hate going to see him, because the exam to test my joints is just poking at me and holy hell I hurt.
If he's fine with pot, see if he can authorise a medical card for you. If my endocrinologist seems able to, a rheumatologist definitely should.
@hedgehog Apparently this office does not do it. I had brought it up previously. I just don't know if they have to refer me, or what.
Because synthetic opiates are out.
it's super weird, in the shadow of turning a certain age, that I thought I would have my shit totally figured out -- but, nope, at 42 here I am sitting and and going -- that's right, the gender binary is bullshit and you should get a binder because why the fuck not.
@sahin I don't think anyone ever figures their shit out. I think we just get too old and tired to panic as visibly as we used to when our shit got out of hand.
@sahin said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
it's super weird, in the shadow of turning a certain age, that I thought I would have my shit totally figured out -- but, nope, at 42 here I am sitting and and going -- that's right, the gender binary is bullshit and you should get a binder because why the fuck not.
At first I was like, "Yes! Any excuse to buy school supplies," and then I was like, "Wait."
But like, I don't think we ever really have our shit figured out, no matter how old we get. Keep trying new things! Which is to say, I hope you enjoy your not-school-supply binder.
@tributary Hey, School/Office Supplies are also exciting.
Do you also have a GP? Or...a green thumb?
@macha said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@tributary Hey, School/Office Supplies are also exciting.
Good. I've decided that in honor of the gender binary being bullshit, I am buying myself another set of rainbow colored pens. Or maybe some cute notebooks to sit in my queue of cute notebooks that might someday get used.
@hedgehog I did call my PCP. I don't have the space or know how to really grow my own.
On a whole other front, I hate feeling like my wardrobe is boring, and seeing super cute clothes, but I am not a stick figure, which is what they show a lot of these outfits on, so I never get them. I know, I know, fuck what anyone else thinks, but.
@sahin said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
it's super weird, in the shadow of turning a certain age, that I thought I would have my shit totally figured out -- but, nope, at 42 here I am sitting and and going -- that's right, the gender binary is bullshit and you should get a binder because why the fuck not.
I'm 42 and I've been playing around with the ol' binary construct since I deliberately picked this handle about 20 years ago.
Upvoting purely for that gif. That is glorious.
So the Rheumatologist who wants me to stop taking acetaminophen, referred me to a neurologist to try and see about my headaches.
That was late Friday.They called me this morning, and by some miracle, had an opening in the morning. Like.. wow.
I had to reschedule my endocrinologist appt, but the endo can get me in in 2 weeks. The neuro would be in June.
ETA: Neuro ran super late.. and did nothing but poke at me and make me fill out stuff no one looked at and most of the answers are already in their file. I can not take tylenol for a month.
which leaves me with no pain relievers, other than MJ. This will be fun.
When you go into the bank because the person on the phone can't help you, and then the in person go "this is weird" and call another person who goes, "I've never seen this before."