I just rocked the hell out of that phone interview.
She ended saying she wants to move things forward and to email her with my availability next week.
Fuck. Yes.
I just rocked the hell out of that phone interview.
She ended saying she wants to move things forward and to email her with my availability next week.
Fuck. Yes.
Migraine meds losing their effectiveness.
Time to beg doc to raise the dosage again.
@auspice Awww That sucks.
Some of y'all suffer from migraines. Maybe this is destined to help?
@arkandel said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I feel like this was referenced here before as a 'maybe this will actually be good once it's out.' So... hopefully.
I actually need to find the time/money to get to my doctor soon for med adjustments of what I'm currently on. Which is rapidly approaching 'max dosage.' So hey, maybe I'll end up trying this shit sooner or later.
WoW's expansion launches and I was already peeved I'd miss the first couple of hours for my weekly basketball run.
In which I broke my finger in garbage time.
I fucking need that finger to play!
@arkandel That's what you get for not having four hands.
@tinuviel I don't know if it counts but a friend a while ago was telling us about a dream he actually had in which he could control Starcraft units with his mind, thus making himself the best player.
People dream of riches, sex, superpowers... but hey, he shot for what truly mattered in his heart of hearts.
@arkandel Given how indecisive I am at the best of times, I don't think the high-stress environment of a Starcraft tournament would be any better. I'd get worse lag from brain-to-game than by using a keyboard.
Start healthier diet with the wife, both of us determined to eat better, and now that summer is 'over' and the apartment complex pool is colder, we join the gym to continue the progress...
2 days in, I am sick as all get out.
@wretched said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
2 days in, I am sick as all get out.
There's a bug going around.
But you know what's great to break out of a diet rut? A stomach bug.
Five pounds down already.
Thanks, you filthy, disease-carrying spawn!
@ganymede Yeah i too am losing weight rapidly, in the form of liquid being expelled from my person.
@wretched said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
Yeah i too am losing weight rapidly, in the form of liquid being expelled from my person.
If it don't burn like hell down below, ride it out.
I'm telling you, it's worth it. You'll be down 10 pounds in a week.
Then get onto ketosis, and watch the water weight just burn right off. You'll bypass the keto flu symptoms because your body will already be sugar-deficient. Might as well use the sucky feeling to your advantage.
Not exactly a healthy way to look at things, but whatever works.
I recently got tested for a whole bunch of auto-immune disorders and I got the blood work back this morning.
I have a history of showing physical symptoms of a disease while blood work comes out normal and, frustratingly, this panel seemed to continue in that vein. My ANA, rheumatoid factor, and other inflammatory markers all seemed to be in the normal range. The only deviation from normal was the small presence of SSA antibodies.
It's not much, but at least it was enough to get me referred to a rheumatologist.
@lisse24 If you haven't seen a Lyme literate doctor yet I'd suggest at least getting a consultation https://www.ilads.org/ has a provider search
@wildbaboons said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@lisse24 If you haven't seen a Lyme literate doctor yet I'd suggest at least getting a consultation https://www.ilads.org/ has a provider search
I'm not ruling out Lyme, but I really feel a lot of affinity when I read symptoms associated with inflammatory arthritides (like RA), so I want to run that path down first.
Tests for me seem to flag back and forth like that, too.
I'll flag yes on ANA, get sent to a rheumatologist, they'll run it again... it'll come back negative. So they'll go nah, you don't have an auto-immune (despite me having all the symptoms thereof).
I still need to see a doctor re: Lyme. Just haven't had the spare time/money to do so yet.
@Auspice From what I've read, ANA can go back and forth like that in a normal auto-immune situation. I gather these things are hard to pin down, and my symptoms are still very mild. I mean, I have joint pain, but it's in no way debilitating or diminishing to my quality of life.
Lyme doesn't show in blood work. That's why it's hard to diagnose. It hides in organs and tissues, to my understanding. It has a crazy high rate of both false positives and false negatives in bloodwork.